巴丢草 Bad ї ucao(@badiucao)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Chinese nationalists on Weibo have began to celebrate that Japan’s ex PM Abe is shot during campaign today. they call the attacker “hero” and send death wish to Abe photo credit @MachineGun____ #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动
Thread/1 Massive protest happened in Ulumuqi,Xinjiang,China after more than 100 days zero-covid city lockdown. People are chanting ‘stop lockdown’ ‘we are human being’
Prtrait for Tony Chung, HongKong student leader, former member of Studentlocalism. He was just arrested by national security agents for inciting secession hours ago. He is only 19. 前學生動源召集人鍾翰林被扣上手扣帶走,被控 「煽動他人分裂國家」。 #StandWithHongKong
Taiwan: "After reunification, we will do re-education", says the Chinese ambassador to France Re-education is refering to Uyghur concentration camps and genocide
1. Massive protest out break in Henan province,China. More than 3000 protesters who are victim of bank financial fraud show up in capital City of Henan. None of them can withdraw money from account now. info credit @Qwaszx179730654
1/ protest outbreaks in Wuhan China now
My latest art for #Pelosi visit to #Taiwan 佩罗西访台新作 link for art print:badiucao.com/artshop?pgid=j…
推友投稿 来自抗议现场与被捕过程的自述! 非常珍贵重要!谢谢
nothing to see here just some regular covid-19 social management in China
干货:一个警察自述的街头抗争指南 链接: reddit.com/r/China_irl/co…
香港朋友告中国抗争者: 根據我們在香港的經驗 中國的朋友們需要設立看哨的頻道、地區活動資訊頻道、被捕失蹤人士頻道、文宣頻道等等 最好是telegram的
"中俄两国友谊没有止境、合作没有禁区。 Friendship between China and Russia has no limits, there are no 'forbidden' areas of cooperation" —— Xi Jinping to Putin 4/2/2022
漫画支持上海和乌鲁木齐的抗争, 自由领导人民! Cartoon for supporting Shanghai and Urumqi protest against Chinese government's brutal zero-covid policy and for memorizing the victims from Urumqi lockdown fire.
中国2022抗议,五大诉求 1. 撤回新冠清零,解除所有封城 2. 立即释放所有因抗议被捕者 3. 独立调查清零政策中滥用职权的官员和警察。 4. 结束言论审查,开放网络,媒体自由。 5. 结束领袖终身制,开放党禁,实现普遍民主选举 欢迎大家修改执政补充。
武汉今晚的抗议开始了,“过程公开,继续到底” protest in Wuhan has began Wuhan University People chanting “transparent process,keep going to the end” #A4纸革命 #A4Revolution
🧵1/ China is having a revolution right now! it seems so impossible after Tiananmen Massacre. But this nationwide protest is burning unstoppable.I dont see how people will just walk away from the fight easily Zero-covid-policy has pushed ordinary people & economy to it limits!
My cartoon on Scholz‘s China visit. 舒尔茨访华
French Kiss 🇫🇷💋🇨🇳 法式香吻在中国 Cartoon on @EmmanuelMacron China visit.
1/ My friend, Australia activist @DrewPavlou is framed by the Chinese government for a London bomb threat after he protested CCP's Uyghur genocide in front of Chinese embassy. He has been held incommunicado by UK police. He needs all the support! twitter.com/DrewPavlou/sta…
RIP Shinzo Abe 安倍首相安息 Thanks for your support to Taiwan.
🧵1/ We Are the Last Generation 🔥I will have a new exhibition in European Parliament @Europarl_EN. 我将在欧盟议会举行新展览 《我们是最后一代》 Opening: 7PM 29 November 28 November – 2 December European Parliament, Spinelli 5G Balcony area Curator: @ElettraStamboul
2/ one significant trigger for the protest was a deadly fire in a resident building. dozens people died due to lockdown setting stopped fire fighters and fire engines coming inside the block.
1/ I create this poster in solidarity with @DrewPavlou. Drew is a young Australian human rights activist who is framed for “bomb threat to Chinese embassy” in London. Now he is under investigation of the police and not allowed to leave UK. Let's support him and #BingDrewHome
Thread 1/ #ChinaUprisingThread 🔥 latest protest from Shanghai last night! people are chanting ‘共产党下台,习近平下台 CCP go down!Xijinping go down!‘