Shari is ⏳⏳⏳⏳⏳⏳⏳…
@sociallyhowell You are always first to say what’s cool, you are always first to put an end to what isn’t cool x
@calmgws Yes, a couple didn’t make it... even one with a crazy drum solo lmao... - A #ask5sos
@xluvmymikey it took like 6 full days lol it was exhausting but ultra rewarding
@daryl_clifford @lukexy cheers dazza <3
@easiertayla (don’t click this link I didn’t check it) thanks
@valentinekams Yes but I’m about to head out. Lovely talking to all of you!
@notgood5sosart Only if it’s really really really not good
@slutykiwi You’re starting to understand me yay
@drummereyesafi Will you be thar?
@queenxgordon @sometimesyougws @Calum5SOS @Michael5SOS @Luke5SOS @Ashton5SOS Wow we had no idea. Incredibly embarrassed and have contacted our merchandise company. We will make this right.
@outrspceafi It’s EPISODE 2 AND 3
@xhighvx More clout on here
@love_is_fatal I think Michael is lol - c
@valentinexsarah You must be older. Bob hasn’t been relevant in years. I like it
@MYXPhilippines 👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼
@easiertayla Push us! We want to be challenged and be amazing!
@dolcecth Probably not... did you?
@AltPress @palewaves See you on the road Pale Waves. So excited to watch your show every night! ✨ - Ash
@updatesofafi @Ashton5SOS Sweaty yoga man