lele 😼(@lenatriz)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

when i was a new littlesuns i was very hurt when i saw haters attacking chenle so i posted it on chaohua but cfans scolded me, asked me to delete my post bcs they want chenle to only see good things there then they will handle haters separately. littlesuns are such a mama bear 😚
jfans keep saying irl chenle is so dangerous but didnt tell the whole context or meaning is so funny for me lmao 🤣 i get it, chenle's offline charm is indeed dangerous. he can be your bias-wrecker 😌
many jfans call chenle with chenle-tan or chenle-tama/lolo-tama now i guess they see him as a very cute baby 😭🤲 bcs tan and tama is aegyo-version (?) of chan and sama 😭
jfans said chenle's japanese sounds natural like a native speaker 😂
op: Chenle's popularity has definitely increased with this dream show,, thats amazing he deserved that 🥺
chenle stans become more defensive now prolly bcs we are tired with all the shits people throw to chenle when he did nothing wrong. like wow, not only chenle is always underappreciated by the whole fandom but apparently he also become the punching bag. bfr
jfans changed narrative so fast from "who in the world would buy that (bread) slippers??" to "i need to buy that slippers" chenle's impact 🤣
op: in last ment, chenle said "i want to express my gratitude to the interpreter who worked hard to advance the performance." the slightly embarrassed interpreter unnie said, "im the best interpreter in the world... 😳" after translating it, chenle laughed mischievously 😂😂 twitter.com/A2ytgmR/status…
Some jfans said chenle's fanservice is really good. He was very responsive even towards other member's fans too (he was helping those fans to be noticed by their bias) 🥺 i mean he's always that kind right 🥺💖
a jfan said chenle is a God-like idol bcs he is very good at fanservice 😂😂😂
Chenle's live vocal review: I thought about this, but isnt chenle's Sorry Heart performance dangerous???? I think that rj won the grand prize in a song with such a sad feeling, and all the main vocalists of dream have different strengths, so when someone sings the main melody,