lele 😼(@lenatriz)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

a jfan said chenle is a God-like idol bcs he is very good at fanservice 😂😂😂
an update, few minutes ago its already in 62,000s but its probably because of interfans want to attend tds 2 japan tour too? 🤔
Some jfans said chenle's fanservice is really good. He was very responsive even towards other member's fans too (he was helping those fans to be noticed by their bias) 🥺 i mean he's always that kind right 🥺💖
Jfans said Chenle's visual is really good today. Not only cute, but he looks more cool and sexy 😭🤚 (sexy????) #CHENLE #THEDREAMSHOW2_in_YOKOHAMA
Jfans said Chenle is such an angle, he keep waving to the fans in 3rd floor. At first jfans in 3rd floor a little bit sad bcs they almost cant see the boys but Chenle always wave at them so they feel touched 🥺 (i dont ss all the tweets i read) #CHENLE #THEDREAMSHOW2_in_YOKOHAMA
op: Chenle's popularity has definitely increased with this dream show,, thats amazing he deserved that 🥺
many jfans call chenle with chenle-tan or chenle-tama/lolo-tama now i guess they see him as a very cute baby 😭🤲 bcs tan and tama is aegyo-version (?) of chan and sama 😭
why is patrick always be a fun topic among ppl for what he accidentally does? 😂 first is when his shoe fell on stage lol, then when he was amazed by the speed of china package delivery (?), and now he accidentally wore a flowery shirt similar to a hotel staff uniform 😭
patrick performance audio in taohuawu sounds faaaaarr better than his official cover song in terms of recording quality 😌 the music and his voice blend so well and sounds clear
funny comment in 桃花坞LIVE 3 "When she's yawning near patrick, i was worried his hand stretching to her by itself lol" PPPAT X WDL2 #桃花坞LIVExPaiPai_D3 #แพทริค
Repo about Patrick in chengdu airport: "Patrick is really handsome and very polite. A fan accidentally stumbled upon him and he subconsciously helped them, he was the kind of person who did not hesitate to help the assistant jiejie. He pushed the luggage out by himself." #แพทริค