⭐️ Mista SAS & Jolyne Grandista Giveaway ⭐️ In celebration of JJBE's 3rd anniversary, we're hosting our 3rd giveaway with @Nin_Nin_Game and @HobbyGenki • Follow @jojo_wiki, @Nin_Nin_Game, and @HobbyGenki • Like and Retweet this tweet • Ends in 1 week (October 24, 2022)
Sketches from UJ PRESS, a section that used to be in the back of Ultra Jump Issues. (Also compiled in Volume 100.5) #jojo_wiki UJ 2003 Issue #1 (Jolyne & Irene), UJ 2006 Issue #12 (Johnny & Gyro), UJ 2008 Issue #10 (Diego), UJ 2009 Issue #4 (SBR Gang)