The cuties wanted dried fruit no matter what :P みんな大好きドライパイナップル、ドライパパイヤ。 #capybara #cute #CuteAnimals #カピバラ #かわいい #かわいい動物 #水豚
Miss Ringo eating Baby Corn munch munch 🌽 リンちゃんむしゃむしゃ🌽🌽 #capybara #cute #CuteAnimals #カピバラ #かわいい #かわいい動物 #水豚
Miss Potato said, “Actually Pfizer COVID vaccine got FDA full approval!” と、ポテトちゃんが教えてくれました。いい子いい子。 #cuteanimals #かわいい動物 #カピバラ #capybara #水豚 #pfizer #fda #covidvacccine
Put on a mask and sanitize your hands, please. Ringo マスクと手指消毒をお願いします。リンゴより #capybara #cute #CuteAnimals #カピバラ #かわいい #かわいい動物 #水豚 #コロナ #COVID19 #Covid_19
リンちゃん&ポテちゃんThis month there are many unplanned cost such as veterinary treatment, and the number of visitors is still only 30% of what it was before the pandemic, so I would not be able to pay $1,000 for electricity bills etc. Please support us.
LET'S NOT FORGET #911 the ultimate tragedy in New York, Miss Ringo wishes for world peace too. 世界が平和でありますように。リンゴ🍎 #worldpeace #capybara
Thank you for 270 subscribers on Patreon. But we need any support from more people. We can keep up here forever by getting 600 subscribers. For the smiles of our capybaras and guineas. 台風には十分お気をつけください。We're looking forward to seeing you.
It costs $ 500 to $ 800 a month to maintain this facility. However, due to the pandemic, the number of visitors has remained below 30% of the initial estimate, and I have run out of my savings over the last two years. if the situation remain unchanged, we cannot continue →
Hey Potato! Did you find anything? ポテちゃんなーに見てるの? #capybara #CuteAnimals #カピバラ #かわいい動物 #水豚
In order for capybaras with clear minds to open their hearts to us, they need to be in good physical condition at all times, which costs a huge amount of money to support the petting zoo for capybaras.
【DONATION 】Please help support us to continue “Capybara Land” It’s really a tough situation due to the pandemic. Thank you for your support and thoughtfulness. #Donation #animallovers #capybara #guineapig #CuteAnimals #カピバラ #モルモット #豚鼠
As it is now, we can’t keep Capybara Land next month, due to the hugest covid pandemic in Japan. Could you help and support us.…