
When you are tired on set during a video shoot. #lastnight @VianneyMusique 🎥 @olympedpnt
Beautiful weekend spent in Athens with The Girls ❤️ twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Our brand new television series called ’The Piano’ made with the brilliant @lang_lang @ClaudiaWinkle begins tomorrow in the UK on @Channel4 at 9PM! We had the best time making this show and were blown away by pianists who poured their hearts into their performances!
What a joyous time of year to be in Greece, and spring is finally in the air. Why is spring so powerful..? Every time it comes round. ❤️ 📷 by my friend @adambgoodall
Dates in the UK, Japan, Korea, France, Morocco, Greece, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium and Spain! I cannot wait for this new run of shows to begin! See you all very soon! #mika2023 #tour #summerfestivals
いつもこの街に戻ってくるのが大好き!僕の思い出がたくさん詰まった街!もうすぐ会えるのが楽しみだよ、日本! I have always loved coming to this city. So many special memories! See you very soon Japan! @privatecurve #mikaintokyo