😈🎲 || DEMONDICE(@DEMONDICEKaren)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

needed a good, thorough cleansing twitter.com/Sydsnap/status…
watch-a-long on my channel when this movie comes out. twitter.com/imonly5feet/st…
yeah sorry about this one satan but I think I like them more than you 🤷‍♀️
Look forward to party wipe.☺️👌 Haha, just kidding. :) twitter.com/TrashTastePod/…
Something very big being announced tomorrow. 😊
ITS NOW! Come watch the chaos ensue. I’ll do my best!! 💪😳 twitter.com/TrashTastePod/…
🌟🏝ANNOUNCEMENT🏝🌟 I will be appearing at #KawaiiKon in Honolulu, Hawaii! Planning to do a live show, and some extra special stuff…🗿 It’s my first show in America since forever, so let’s have a blast!! Get your tickets at the link below! twitter.com/KawaiiKon/stat…
Today was the happiest I’ve been in ages and all I did was sleep 9 hours, take a walk, look at cherry blossoms then go home and make a sandwich.
Had a blast playing god in the Konosuba TRPG with @TrashTastePod the other day. If ya want a copy of the book signed by myself and the lads, check out the Giveaway before April 7th ET! #ad One winner might even get a hand-drawn drawing of a certain annoying Isekai mascot... twitter.com/yenpress/statu…
I died, haha, just kidding, April fools
Gotta love the Twitter virtue signaling squad, pulling out legit ass the first fucking song I ever wrote and clowning I deleted the shit for a reason. But fuck yeah for social credit points and forgetting people grow that shit was 5 years old. I’m not stopping. Bye. 👌
“April fools joke” can you fucking read. Can you do research. 5 (almost 6) year old song off my first shit ass EP when I was all kinds of ignorant. Y’all believe anything you read on the boards. Keep it up, you look smart.
Thanks guys. 🙏 Holy shit get me to Hawaii NOW lol I need a damn vacation… (meeting y’all counts this time btw)
I close my eyes, and…I dream of him. He made me laugh. ☀️ He was so special to me.🧸💕 Then one day…he was gone. But, haha…I just can’t accept that.🌻 He’ll always be somewhere… …deep in my heart. 💗🌌💗 tinyurl.com/2p8c5d8n
Lots of mainland USA shows planned in 2022, btw. 👌☀️
I have the most hardcore sister on the fucking planet can we get some claps in the chat for her holy shit
Note: SHE’S OKAY and recovering well!
Idk maybe Revengance stream this week? Probably
I’m tired, but I’m happy. I wanna keep enjoying being alive. So let’s idk do cool shit and hang out every once in a while
Not me at 2 am getting emotional about Gurren Lagann again for the fifty millionth time
that show is 15 years old and I’ve seen it over 20 times now but i sob like a little baby child every damn time
Hip-hop around the world is so damn beautiful. Spanish rap, Japanese rap, Swedish rap, Philippino rap, Chinese rap- its goes on. No doubt, respect where hip-hop came from. But isn’t it so incredible seeing how its branched off into different worlds? Goddamn, I love music.
Sleep. Where is it
I can’t believe Sora from Kingdom Hearts already got doxxed
No Revengance this month, too busy getting ready for Hawaii but I’m super excited to see some of you guys!! 🌟