prince eren and knight mikasa request from ko-fi ☕️ thank you for the support!
soldier eren and ballerina mikasa request from ko-fi ☕️ thank you for the support!
nerds talking about leaving fandoms as if is some grandeur moment like ok do you want some goodbye award or something 😭 just leave in silence if you are so done as you claim lol.
people that consume media like fast food always expect everybody to discard something they like as soon as it ends 💀 not all of us care about hype or what is currently popular 🙄 i'm just normal.
day 7: this world is cruel but i still love you #EreMikaWeek2022 @eremikaweek
I only trust people who like short haired Mikasa.
marley escapade. 🏩🔞🔞🔞 #エレミカ 👇
eremika as marley warriors request from ko-fi ☕️ thank you for the support!
I wake up and the first thing i see is eren's cawck on my tl!?!??!!??!!
eremika mirror selfie request from ko-fi ☕️ thank you for the support!
thank you so much @momoburiburi_87 for this wonderful birthday gift 😭💖 thank you for always being so kind to me 🥺
eremika as batcat request from ko-fi ☕️ thank you for the support!