“China is a leading member of the international community” Foreign Secretary @DominicRaab 22 March, 2021 twitter.com/AFP/status/142…
#AndyLi turned 31 a few days ago. Behind bars.
Detained for 12 months now. Done nothing wrong. Back in court tomorrow for the latest chapter in his farcical “trial”.
#HongKong’s legal system has become little more than a tool of political persecution. #FreeAndyLi
This is what torture, duress, and a hopelessly compromised legal system achieves. Few people could withstand it.
#FreeAndyLi twitter.com/XinqiSu/status…
Gobsmacking to me that a man could be convicted for working with a @UKParliament group in support of a treaty the UK signed and @UKinHongKong @ukinchina @DominicRaab have NOTHING to say about it. #FreeAndyLi twitter.com/galileocheng/s…
Yes, I’ve seen them. No comment, aside from this:
Hong Kong’s legal system is an international embarrassment.
Attempts to frame Jimmy Lai are pathetically transparent.
Andy Li has committed no crime.
Seems UK will deploy any excuse to normalise 🇨🇳🇬🇧 relations
First it was climate change (PRC doesn’t care), now, ludicrously, the Taliban? What’s the @FCDOGovUK smoking?!
Meanwhile, the #Uyghur genocide + 🇭🇰 destruction rages and we do nothing. reuters.com/world/uk-says-…
Spare a thought for Afghan #Uyghurs, because in its efforts to "use" China to "contain" the Taliban, our Government clearly hasn't. Must read. 👇
Everyone in Hong Kong should just say "Jimmy Lai made me do it" and save them the trouble of this ridiculous framing charade.
To clarify: "them" is the HK establishment (politicians, media, courts, police) who are all colluding in this joke trial to turn Jimmy into some kind of evil boss. How stupid do they think people are?
Appalling piece of reporting which reads like it was briefed by the prosecution. #FreeAndyLi scmp.com/news/hong-kong…
#Breaking there have been❗️64,900 ❗️applications for the UK's Hong Kong BN(O) route between 31st Jan and 30th June 2021. Source:
#Uyghurs in Afghanistan, now facing persecution from BOTH the Taliban and growing PRC influence in the region:
"We are living in fear. We need help. Please help."
Important report 👇 twitter.com/joelmgunter/st…
“Largely independently” tells you all you need to know. This has little to do with the rule of law, and a lot to do with massive pressure applied by UK lawyers practising in lucrative #HK who want the status quo. Breathtakingly short-sighted. twitter.com/alvinllum/stat…
Just another day. And the world looks on as if nothing is up. twitter.com/XinqiSu/status…
Think this is bad. Wait until “Super Mario: Xi Jinping Thought Edition” comes out. twitter.com/StephenMcDonel…
You can stop people commemorating it, you can stop them talking about it.
But you can never stop them remembering. twitter.com/HKLiberty_Team…
So the rather grandly titled @UkCommittee (read: die-hard Golden Era pro-China lobby) is attempting to blindside MPs into believing it's an impartial outfit.
I went to their help desk to ask for some "advice".
Look forward to the reply. #StandwithHongKong #StandwithUyghurs
Commemorating #Uyghur and #Kazhak victims of the Chinese Communist Party who have died in detention with @MahmutRahima @Dolkun_Isa @Nus_Ghani @SKinnock @adrianzenz @j_smithfinley and others in Newcastle. We will remember you.
5 months to save the @iocmedia from the second most shameful episode in its history. twitter.com/Olympics/statu…
Some thoughts on UK genocide policy for @BrightblueGB
“…sends a signal to those suffering that their atrocities are only worthy of our recognition when that recognition costs us nothing”
#Uyghurs twitter.com/RyanShorthouse…
Fantastic work. #StandWithHongKong twitter.com/Ray_WongHKI/st…
Anything to say @UKinHongKong @ukinchina @FCDOGovUK?
While #HK burns the best you can produce is some supine, staggeringly naive nonsense about how China is some kind of climate change saviour?
Your silence is a national humiliation. twitter.com/XinqiSu/status…