Don’t even talk to me about the cab-rank rule. This guy has been hired to assist Lam’s cronies in procuring prosecutions of lifelong peaceful democrats. He’ll go down at Hong Kong’s Percy Yutar.
Extremely disturbing. twitter.com/Perseus852/sta…
Thanks @MaajidNawaz for having me.
Please, go to genocideresponse.org and write to your MP. Ask them to back the #GenocideAmendment
Will the Government stand up for one of their MPs, currently being harassed and accused of lying by Chinese Embassy officials? twitter.com/Nus_Ghani/stat…
Just another day. And the world looks on as if nothing is up. twitter.com/XinqiSu/status…
How easily we yielded our freedoms this past year.
How foolishly we turned a blind eye to police zealously trespassing on liberties previously held sacrosanct.
This is the result: twitter.com/liamyoung/stat…
Commemorating #Uyghur and #Kazhak victims of the Chinese Communist Party who have died in detention with @MahmutRahima @Dolkun_Isa @Nus_Ghani @SKinnock @adrianzenz @j_smithfinley and others in Newcastle. We will remember you.
Shaun is right about this.
Londoners don’t want to pay for #Uyghurs to be oppressed.
@SadiqKhan should order an urgent audit to root out all contractors complicit in atrocities in Western China. twitter.com/ShaunBaileyUK/…
For sceptics of the Uyghur Genocide.
Don’t have a firm view on @elonmusk takeover but find it really weird that people insist upon characterising old twitter as the halcyon days of digital human rights.
Just false. Inter alia, twitter consistently and knowingly failed victims of child pornography. HT @elizableu
Unbearable. Undiluted evil. twitter.com/ewong/status/1…
So proud of how our Churches are stepping up to ensure #HongKong people get the welcome they deserve. In the midst of a pandemic, too.
Huge kudos to @krishk for his leadership here. And to Fr Marcus. #HongKongersWelcome 🇭🇰🇬🇧 twitter.com/WalkerMarcus/s…
Happy 70th birthday @DavidAltonHL - easily the hardest working politician I know. Over 40 years standing up for human rights, day in, day out. Thank you.
Very glad to see this reported.
I have dealt with cases of Hong Konger BN(O)s who are terrified about renewing their passports, as they have to enter PRC territory, where they could be at risk.
Surely there’s a better way? @SuellaBraverman
Gobsmacking to me that a man could be convicted for working with a @UKParliament group in support of a treaty the UK signed and @UKinHongKong @ukinchina @DominicRaab have NOTHING to say about it. #FreeAndyLi twitter.com/galileocheng/s…
A reminder. twitter.com/lukedepulford/…
🚨 Good to see Beijing’s appalling human rights abuses are becoming an election issue.
Saw the film #SparringPartner directed by Philip Yung and made after Hong Kong’s National Security Law was imposed.
It’s a remarkable achievement. A complex film, beautifully shot, outstanding lead performances. I really recommend it.
Please read and share this important thread.
We shouldn’t have to beg our government to get on top of this. @JamesCleverly @SuellaBraverman please defend UK sovereignty. twitter.com/samdunningo/st…
Trudeau trying to spin this as a victory is 🤯 What actually happened:
1. Weng Wanzhou charged with massive fraud in 🇨🇦
2. Completely innocent 2 Michaels held hostage in 🇨🇳for 1000 days+
3. Canada agrees to exchange Weng for the hostages.
Clear win for 🇨🇳 + hostage diplomacy twitter.com/JustinTrudeau/…
This remarkable woman @MahmutRahima has spent the entire day translating the most harrowing testimonies imaginable. And now she is here, standing up for her people on e again. The @GOVUK should honour her courage and dignity. #TiananmenSquareMassacre 🕯
The prosecution failed to bring wider evidence and showed little understanding of the HK context. Nevertheless the fact that Junius was willing to lose tens of thousands of pounds fighting this shows how important it is to remove foreign privileges from cronies like him.