The UK needs to impose travel restrictions from China, and needs to do it NOW. twitter.com/AFP/status/160…
In its 99th year, the #CCP covered up a pandemic, causing untold death and suffering, continued atrocities against #Uyghurs, #Tibetans and other minorities, and exacted an all-out assault on human rights in #HongKong.
Nothing to celebrate. twitter.com/sophia_yan/sta…
I find this image almost unbearably moving. twitter.com/SkyNews/status…
Tennis Australia has banned people from wearing “Where is Peng Shuai” T-shirts. twitter.com/DrewPavlou/sta…
Something small you can do for #Uyghurs
Report➡️it’s abusive or harmful➡️it directs hate against...➡️group of people➡️add 1➡️done.
Link to offending tweet below.
Again? This is too good. twitter.com/GanglaniJay/st…
Still don’t get what all the fuss is about re: @tiktok_uk?
Read this new report. twitter.com/ASPI_org/statu…
Wow. Vigil for Queen Elizabeth outside @UKinHongKong turns into open defiance with #GlorytoHongKong being sung. Vigil candles were reportedly extinguished by police. twitter.com/RazvenHK/statu…
🚨 Wow. On the eve of the handover of #HK the PM for the VERY FIRST TIME speaks about “holding China to its commitments”. Does this mean we will finally see some accountability and action? #SanctionsNow #BeyondBNO twitter.com/BorisJohnson/s…
🇷🇺 people are not to blame for the actions of the Russian government.
🇨🇳 people are not to blame for the actions of the Chinese government.
This isn’t hard.
Via @Telegraph
Worrying piece connecting social media censorship in the West with the Chinese Communist Party. Something disturbing going on here which warrants urgent and thorough investigation. nypost.com/2020/10/20/mee…
Absolutely packed for the premier of Revolution of Our Times - a film which cannot be shown in Hong Kong, so is selling out cinemas in cities around the world. #StandwithHK
And in London… outside the Chinese Embassy🕯 twitter.com/lukedepulford/…
#BREAKING as predicted @pritipatel has expanded the Hong Kong BNO scheme!!!
Thank you everyone who worked on this! 😭
Source: questions-statements.parliament.uk/written-statem… twitter.com/lukedepulford/…
“Build forward better”.
What kind of building are we talking about @vonderleyen? More mass internment camps for #Uyghurs serviced by EU investment? twitter.com/vonderleyen/st…
#BREAK in reply to excellent @joshrogin question on 🇹🇼 President @ZelenskyyUa blasts authoritarian leaders whose ambitions are never satisfied; calls for “preemptive diplomacy” to avoid war which “benefits nobody”.
I am told 🇨🇳 delegation walked out.
7 months in jail hasn’t broken him. They’ve now taken him to a facility to stop him talking about his treatment in a Chinese prison.
The bravest man I have ever met: ANDY LI
#StandwithHK #FreeAndyLi twitter.com/XinqiSu/status…
We owe @DominicRaab huge gratitude for implementing #Magnitsky legislation and for the part he played in the #HongKong BN(O) scheme.
He had his critics (including me) but we shouldn’t forget these milestones.
OUTRAGEOUS - another bald attempt to asphyxiate free media in #HK
They forget how tough Jimmy is…watch now as they attempt to frame him again and again. They’ll even force young pro-dem “witnesses” under duress to fit their ridiculous narrative. Just watch. twitter.com/XinqiSu/status…
Disturbing update. We are expected to believe that 6 of the #12HKYouths don’t want their family lawyers? And why hasn’t the location of all of them been disclosed?
Something is going on. twitter.com/XinqiSu/status…
Me on the genocide amendment and why we need @DominicRaab to do the right thing.