I'll never forget that I'm banned from /r/anime because they said my art was getting "too much attention and and taking away exposure from newer artists" twitter.com/JennaLynnMeowr…
there's two types of people in the world: people who like these cookies, and fucking liars. twitter.com/zzliaa_/status…
i used to love corridor as a kid. you guys made the most inspiring short films that got me into loving art today. now it feels like you lost your touch and got gapped in skill by people actually putting in the work to improve, and instead just looking for shortcuts to success. twitter.com/CorridorDigita…
an artist once told me that being a decent person is always better than being a skilled artist. anyone can "draw good" eventually, but if ur an ass then nobody will want to work with you.
Corridor: "Hey wanna see us make an awful video? 💨 wanna see us do it again?" twitter.com/CorridorDigita…