Dan Orlowitz(@aishiterutokyo)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

Urawa Reds supporters with a superb English-language banner protesting ticket prices to tonight’s game. 浦和サポから見事な横断幕 #PSGJapanTour2022 #urawareds
Really encouraging to see Kaoru Mitoma doing postgame interviews in English. After a long period in the 2010s in which many Japanese players in Europe struggled with communicating, the new generation seems to understand the importance of language study.
OFFICIAL: Yokohama F. Marinos (@prompt_fmarinos) announce that Daizen Maeda's sale to @CelticFC has been finalized after his one-year loan. f-marinos.com/news/team/4328
I've spoken to a lot of outlets about this over the last 2-3 weeks, but this map is exactly what has gotten Japan to the top of Group E: 30 years of dedicated effort to build the pyramid, going from 10 to 60 professional clubs covering over 80% of the country's prefectures. twitter.com/takadakatsura/…
In Could Be Something/Could Be Nothing news, the Japanese Olympic Committee has announced that Yuzuru Hanyu will be holding a news conference on Monday night - from 6:30pm Japan time, which gives all the evening news shows something to lead with. #Beijing2022
Taking this incredible @yangasc1935 uniform out for a walk - thank so much to @Arafat__AH for getting it all the way here and @NuhuAdams_ for the assist! ヤング・アフリカンズSCというタンザニア強豪クラブのユニを何とゲットした!昨シーズンの無敗優勝で身につけた超格好良いデザイン。
アメリカの最も屈指であるサッカーライターのグラント・ウォール氏、W杯を現場で取材最中で48歳で死亡した。 本当にありえないニュース。 twitter.com/ussoccer/statu…
英国の小学校の英断: 「もし貴方の子が深夜まで決勝戦を見れば、翌日は少し長く寝させて、登校を10時半までお願いします。欠席や機嫌悪い子より元気な子を迎えたい! 55年ぶりに英国が決勝戦に参加。国歌の意義、プライドや回復力、そして失望について子と話そう。これは子にとって学びの機会だ」 twitter.com/nlevett/status…
「古橋選手はサブ組、旗手はベンチ外なんて、日本代表の監督はサッカー自体が分からないな」とセルティックサポの受け止め。 twitter.com/ConorM67_/stat…
The J.League with an incredible promo vid - viewed 1.8 million times as of this tweet - highlighting the domestic origins of the #SamuraiBlue squad and reminding fans that they can see Japan's next stars not four years from now, but two months from now.
Reo Hatate appeared on soccer variety show Yabecchi Stadium alongside former Frontale teammate Kengo Nakamura. Asked what left a strong impression at Celtic: "The support... If you play well they applaud, but if you play poorly they boo. I'm thankful for it either way."
Evening dispatch from the JOC: "This press conference has been arranged because it would be difficult to respond to the large # of individual media requests that have been made. Hanyu will not be making any announcements and we ask that media outlets refrain from speculation."
オーストラリア代表がゴールを決めた瞬間のメルボルンPV、半端ないって。 こういう盛り上がり、楽しそう…
これは英語圏でも話題になって来たが、こうなると観光客はスポーツ試合・ライブなどのチケットを買えなくなって、日本が誇る「ソフトパワー」がほぼ0にリセットされる可能性も少なくない。 twitter.com/livedoornews/s…
Jun Amano, playing for the K-League All-Star team, scores a stunner of a free kick against Tottenham. Would love to see @J_League_En bring back ASGs and use this format, the fanbase is perfect for it.
Almost none of the usual Urawa flags behind the goal, showing that their hardcore support mostly stayed home today (1). Compare to some J.League games from earlier this season (2-3-4). #urawareds #PSGJapanTour2022
This is making the rounds on #JPN Soccer Twitter: a letter from #SamuraiBlue head coach Hajime Moriyasu to his younger self, taken out as a full-page newspaper ad by the JFA in December 2018. "To you, whose dream was destroyed on that day," 1/ twitter.com/takuma_sports1…
「森保監督、旗手選手をこの20分で出さなければスコットランドのパスポートを発行して帰化させるよ」 twitter.com/ljmabon/status…
"¥3,000 for Urawa v. 6-time UCL winners Bayern, and ¥8,000 for PSG who haven't won UCL. You joking?" Regular individual tickets in the back/main stands cost as much as ¥28,000. Upper level tix for kids discounted to an "affordable" ¥5,000.
Ahead of this afternoon's board meeting, the J.League has announced a four-year renewal of its title partnership with Meiji Yasuda. Additionally, the J3 title mark has been redesigned to match the other two divisions.
In 1960, the Japan Football Association appointed Dettmar Cramer as a technical advisor; he became known as the father of Japanese football for his efforts in building the national team. Today Japan has beaten Germany at the World Cup. The student has become the master.
これが答えだと思う日本人は、恐らく観光客の視点からチケット販売の事情を把握してないだろうな。 e+等はほぼ海外発行クレカ使えないし、英語対応イマイチ、日本の携帯がないとスマチケのアプリ使えない。その上でパスポ対応のシステムを誰が作ったり利用したりするのか。 twitter.com/Hirozow/status…
「また別」と言った時点で手遅れ。 転売ヤー対策として多くの主催側が最近スマチケなどを導入したが、コロナ禍によって観光客が入国できなかったので誰もその客層の不利を見れてなかった。 しかし国はもう再開して、日本のイベントを待ちに待ったファンは失望という状態。 twitter.com/usa_ai/status/…