준냥이 💛(@onlyjunhui)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

apparently jun doesn't know chenle and renjun's surname 🤣🤣
🐱: stop asking me abt the kiss scene!! i dont know how to answer it too! ask the director! im just acting as lingchao, it's not me it's lingchao~
🐱: right now i coincidentally met someone 🤣🤣 🐰: .........?????? 🐱: what is happening? 🤣🤣 🐰: what are you doing here? 🤣 that day when jun and jeonghan coincidentally met at the same restaurant 😭😭🤣
🐱: you want to see my abs? sure, go watch limbo mv that's pinned on my weibo and you can see it! in those 3 mins, there's 1min+ of scenes where you can see my abs, is that not enough huh??? it wont be interesting if you keep seeing it!
🐸: at first i was so excited & happy bc it's been so long since i saw fans, so i was waving & posing. then halfway, junhui sudd went to the toilet. its fine if he goes but the thing is it felt as if he wasnt gonna come back, & the entire world was taking pics of me 🤣
minghao picking junnie first bc they're always the last few members to be picked so he wants to pick jun first today 🥺
220913 Chenle mentioned #JUN and #THE8 in his weibo live 🤣 apparently they had already discussed prior for junhao to go to dream's concert (TDS2) but chenle forgot to reserve tickets for them 🤣🤣
jun weibo replies!! 🐸: ❤️‍🔥here it is~😍 listen to the new song ❤️ 🐱: u're here!!! ❤️❤️❤️ (actually u're just right beside me 😼 wayv xiaojun: beautiful! 🐱: u're beautiful too 😆😆❤️ wayv kun: goodness.. don't be so handsome! 🐱: shld we celebrate with some coconut chicken
jun & renjun hiking story jun was with renjun the day before till 1-2am, rj sudd asked him if he wants to go hiking tgt the next day 7am & jun said call me in the morning & i'll decide 🤣 the next day rj called jun & jun was like are u sure u want to go hiking.. 🤣
🐯: jun ah i want to eat hotpot 🐱: suddenly? 🐯: *repeats*~ in an hour? 🐱: let's eat tgt when seungkwan comes back? 🐯: jun ah i want to eat hotpot 🐱: okay 😆 lets eat tgt when sk comes back 🍚: if it was me i'd have cursed, its bc junnie is kind
🦦: i was tgt with jun, he called me & asked if i wanted to drink tgt.. 🐰: jun told dino to drink tgt? 🦦: jun asked me so i went (?) 🍊: if jun said to, i'd run over too 🐰: if jun said to, i'd also run over 🐯: me too.. 🍊: u're not running over tho 🤣 jun lovers club 🫶
omg.. this ending choreo where everyone circles around jun 😭😭😭😭😭
220602 Chenle's weibo update with Jun and Minghao!! CL: took photos with a singer~~~~ #준 #JUN #디에잇 #THE8
🦦: can i try the tom yum goong ramen 🐱: it's not tom yum goong (had prev mentioned it was smth like coconut curry) 🦦: it's tom yum goong! seungkwan try the coconut ramen 🍊: yes its thank you (in thai) 🐱: this is singapore
🍊: ah cute 🥰 🐱: hello? 🍊: this is Moon Junhui service centre right? 🐱: yes 🍊: why does this keep breaking down? i'm so annoyed.. what are you going to do about this! 🐱: then use a more expensive one~ junboo 🤣🤣🤣🤣😭
no but the way jun is telling jeonghan that he got the word right is so cute 😭🤣
yangyang mentioned jun on his weibo live! yy: wen junhui & i.. we're quite close now. we've known each other for abt 1.5yrs alr. as we chat more, it felt like we get along quite well & we got close. he's also a really nice person
jun says if he's not wrong, his mbti now is ESFP (it used to be infp), it's a good change bc it means he's more confident & knows how to express himself better he says ou dont need to believe it all bc you are you, as long as you're changing for the better that's good
jun ending ment 😭 🐱: like what the members said earlier, during shining diamond when the doors open & i saw everyone, my smile naturally came out. in the future too, i really want to be tgt with everyone, bc there's a lot of performances that we want +
jun has vid called the members all at once, and they're curious about how his quarantine life is! he said if he vidcalls them one by one some of them may be like jun ah why didnt u vidcall me 🤣 so he vidcalled all of them tgt
ooh yanan mentioned jun in his live earlier!! yanan: yes i still contact wen junhui. a few days back he sent me a message to wish me happy birthday. and he's filming right? he said to go visit him if i have the chance
minghao says we can look forward to jun's outfit during the comeback show, even if he isnt singing your gaze will also be directed to him... 🧐
op's friend saw jun at a cafe, he was standing in front of the door flustered because the automatic door wouldn't open,, ++ twitter.com/ahdmawkdma/sta…
so cute 😭 jun and minghao were surprised that the song ended so quickly 😭😭
morning alarm by jun + vibrate mode 🤣🤣🤣🤣