🎃🐻 yomi95 🐧🎃(@m_yomi95)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

☀️ the sun was found jobless ☀️
Kyungsoo with long hair
-made in you, made for you- #kaisoo
Just turn off the lights today So you can forget your pain #kaisoo
drawing Jongin with long hair is relaxing ~
today I wanted to try different styles || kyungsoo ||
this Baekhyun with this Chanyeol
Jongin x Vogue | 6 |
Jongin x Vogue | 5 |
Jongin x Vogue | 4 |
Jongin x Vogue | 2 |
Jongin x Vogue | 1 |
Congratulations Jongdae!🥺✨❤️ #종대야_축하해 #WelcomEXOPrincess #CHEN_BEST_DAD