Japanese @KentuckyDerby contender Crown Pride doesn’t mind helping out around the barn in the mornings. Especially when it means fresh shavings to roll around in!
The roar of the crowed rose 100 fold when Sodashi launched into her stretch drive. Very much a fan favorite. Now to convince her to come to the @BreedersCup 😅
Hey laaaadies! Meikei Yell looks relaxed as hell, Resistencia & Lei Papale come up to say hi, and Win Marylin does her best Ms Monroe impression. Love seeing the Japanese ladies out en force! #HKIR #日本牝馬
Meikei Yell is so cute. And calm! メイケイエールは可愛いわー!海外は会うそうですね!
パンサラッサ、チーズ!Say Cheese, Panthalassa! #HKIR