Massimiliano Ambesi(@max_ambesi)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

#ACI2019 #YuzuruHanyu 4Lo(so), 4S(so), 3Lz(+5), 4T(+5), x4T+euler+3S (+5), x3A+2T(+2), x3A+3T (+5) First skater to land a 4T+euler+3S combination Good shape, good performance and it's only the beginning. I have no idea what happened with the PCS..., but we need to talk about it
The road to history's first #superslam 🏅04/12-2009, JGP.Final, Tokyo 🏅11/03-2010, JWCH, The Hague 🏅06/12-2013, GP.Final, Fukuoka 🏅14/02-2014, OWG, Sochi 🏅28/03-2014, WCH, Saitama 🏅09/02-2020, #4CCFigure, Seoul #YuzuruHanyu simply the #GOAT
The full version of "Introduction et Rondo Capriccioso" is finally online with two different types of footage and without any external commentary. An authentic masterpiece…
Exactly ten years ago (19 October 2012), Hanyu Yuzuru set the first of his 19 world records by achieving 95.07 points in the Skate America SP. 17-year-old Hanyu masterfully skated Gary Moore's blues Parisienne Walkways. It was Hanyu's first program choreographed by Jeffrey Buttle
Yuzuru Hanyu, for the second consecutive edition of the Japanese National Championships, exceeded 200 points in free skate (211.05) and 300 in total score (322.36). The previous record was 319.36, set last year. No other skater has ever reached 300 points in the JPN-Nationals.
Yuzuru Hanyu scored 106.98 points in the short program of the World Championships. For the eighth consecutive calendar year, he scored more than 100 points in at least one international competition. The total of international competitions above 100 points amounts to 14. Legend
After reaching 720.000 followers on youtube within a few weeks, Hanyu Yuzuru also lands on instagram (…) and twitter ( ⬇️…
"Prologue" - day 2 (playlist) Warm-up – Ten To Chi To 1) Seimei 2) Change 3) Let's Go Crazy 4) Hana Ni Nare 5) Hello, I Love You 6) Romeo+Juliet (big tears...) 7) A Fleeting Dream from Final Fantasy X 8) Haru Yo Koi 9) Parisienne Walkways A show worthy of the greatest rockstar
For the fifth time in his glorious career, Yuzuru Hanyu has won the Japanese National Championships. He was also the best in free skate. 4Lo, 4S, 3A+2T, 3Lo, x4T+3T, x4T+eu+3S, 3A every jump was perfect A real MASTERPIECE!!! #PoohRain4Yuzu 羽生結弦
Yuzuru Hanyu's new Youtube channel took a few hours to reach 140,000 followers. While waiting for future content, we will see how long it will take to reach one million followers. Bets are accepted.…
Is there anyone who wants to add something? Not bad this "another athlete" (bad quote)...
Jumps, when well executed, are always wonderful, but figure skating is not just jumping. "Someone" without jumping can still get the standing ovation and send us his message. Only a champion can go from "Hana Wa Saku" to "Let me Entertain You" with such mastery and disarming ease
For those who have doubts about the meaning of "effortless" in figure skating, in particular angolophones or similar, Hanyu Yuzuru illustrates the concept by performing a magnificent quadruple toeloop. Directly from Sendai.
The Quadruple Salchow becomes art A jump of stunning beauty performed effortlessly with the naturalness of the perfect technical gesture. To be seen and reviewed indefinitely because you will never get tired.
Yuzuru #Hanyu #helsinki2017 Free skate - 223.20 (126.12|97.08). New world record. Best TES in history #羽生結弦 #legend We want 100 in PCS!
"Prologue" - day 1 1) Seimei 2) Change 3) Let's Go Crazy 4) Spartacus 5) Romeo+Juliet 6) BGM (Final Fantasy X) 7) Hana Ni Nare 8) Parisienne Walkways The question is simple. Will Hanyu Yuzuru skate the same programs tomorrow? There will be a press conference shortly. Awesome!
Another 3A of stunning beauty +1 very good height and lenght +1 good take-off and landing +1 effortless +1 very difficult and creative entry +1 very good body position +1 element matches the music GOE+6 = simply perfection for judges, two excluded,+5 #YuzuruHanyu #NHKTrophy2019
I have reviewed the quadruple axel performed today by Yuzuru Hanyu several times. In my opinion, it is no less underrotated than other quad jumps performed today. The Q would have been the correct call. We hope there will be other opportunities soon
For the fifth time in his career, Yuzuru Hanyu scored at least 102.63 points in a short program of the Japanese National Championships. 4S (wonderful) 4T+3T x3A (easily) Score – 111.31 (62.28|49.03), the highest score ever achieved in the Japanese National Championships
For the seventh time in his career, Yuzuru Hanyu won the short program of the Japanese National Championships. Apart from the quality of the technical elements, the energy and determination shown on the ice really impressed.
#skatecanada #origin - outstanding performance! 4Lo (turn), 4s,3Lz,4T,4T+euler+3F,3A+3T,3A+2T. For the eighth time in his career, #YuzuruHanyu has exceeded 300 points. Now he holds all seasonal records, TES or PCS makes no difference SP - 109.60 FS - 212.99 Total Score - 322.59
#YuzuruHanyu arrived at the Palavela in Torino, where the first official practice will begin in a few minutes. #GPF2019
For the sixth time in a short program of an international competition, #YuzuruHanyu got more than 110.00 points, score achieved only once by the rest of the world In this season, he is first in: TES (63.42-#4CC2020) PCS (48.47-Skate Canada) TSS (111.82-4CC) Always #awesome
In today's practice, Yuzuru Hanyu has focused on the free skate Ten To Chi To. At the end of the training, he tried to do the quadruple axel showing that he had made huge steps forward compared to the past He would like to try the element at the beginning of the free program
Let's think about good and positive things and leave negativity aside Together with the 3A, these 40 seconds are the most exciting part of Yuzuru Hanyu's new short program. In particular, the step sequence was the real highlight, perfectly on the note, varied, fast and original.