Jay bothroyd(@jaybothroyd)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

I’m really happy my team could win the final game of the season. 👍🏽 #consadole
My favourite restaurant just became sponsor my team Sapporo!!! Perfect… 👌🏽 consadole-sapporo.jp/news/2022/04/7…
Great win 😁😁😁😁😁💪🏽💪🏽 twitter.com/DAZN_JPN/statu…
まずはネガティブ: 今日また試合内容が悪くなかったのにまた勝ってなかった。サッカーは試合最初から最後まで集中しないといけない、細かいところで勝ちか負けが決まる。私たちは簡単なミスが多すぎる。もっとメンタルを強くしないと、もっとアグレッシブにならないと。
Great 2nd half.... that’s the win we needed, now let’s get that home win! 💪🏽 I look forward to Saturday 😁
Omg !! 2020 has started off in a tragic way! Whitts I’m praying for your recovery brother 🙏🏽
この状態にメンタルの強さは大事なのでこれから今まで以上にポジティブになる必要があります!今まで以上に頑張ります! またピッチでお会いしましょう🙏🏽
I’m so happy for you, we did lots of practices from the position you scored from tonight and had many talks and now your hardwork is paying off, You have turned into a top player and you can still be better!! Congratulations lil bro you are doing your family and country proud 👍🏽 twitter.com/KMiyoshi26/sta…
We came together, now I have to leave you! I’m glad I could help you improve as a player, it was always a joy to play with you. I’ll miss you after the season but I know we will always be in contact and you will come to London !! Let’s win tomorrow 🙏🏽 #consadole twitter.com/Chanathipjay/s…
危険なパスのをするチームだという事がわかる。 私たちは自分達のプレーを反省しないとだめだ。自分に厳しくしないとだめだ。水曜日の大分戦ではチームのメンタルの強さを見せつける。切り替えよう!私達は必ず勝てると信念をチームみんなが持っていると信じている。
Thank you for all the kind messages from Japan. Myself and my family are ok. I will be returning back to Japan on Saturday, I will then go into quarantine for 2 and half weeks. I’m looking forward to a successful season 👍🏽
このたび @sportingnewsjp の一員として、ワールドカップに臨む #SAMURAIBLUE や日本のサッカーに関する私の考えをお伝えする連載を始めることになりました✍️ 私の最初のコラムはこちらからご覧ください👇 bit.ly/3TOKZ2U
I been saying for a long time Japanese players are serious players but nobody listens… 🤷🏽‍♂️
Living is this great city. I achieved a lot especially the first year and a half! I will never never forget my time here, I will try and watch games as much as possible and support my brothers. I am happy now though I will be with my family everyday like before😊
This is when I knew Nono would also be departing Consadole… He is the best president I have ever worked with, we always had a close relationship. We discussed everything, me leaving japan, and also him leaving Consadole for the biggest role in Japanese football.
I still have some friends at Jubilo and I always wish everyone at the club the best! The jleague needs a club like Jubilo with a huge history back in the top league! Good luck going forward 👍🏽 twitter.com/Jubiloiwata_YF…
I will do a little memoir in the coming weeks of my time in Sapporo, all the ups and downs and my expectations of the club moving forward ❤️
What a great team performance today! Congratulations to my teammates we did it 👊🏽 We can not get carried away now though we have 6 league games and a Cup Final to win!!!… instagram.com/p/B3jMiN5gbrZ/…
Special mention to Shunta, Mintae, Lucas and Tomoki. Top performances tonight. It’s always hard to loose on penalties, football is a cruel game sometimes. We have to stop this loosing run now, we haven’t won in 7 now I think, we need a big win Saturday. Confidence is within!
I’m happy for shunta he stole my goal 😂😂 Important we got a point when we had 10 men. We conceded some terrible goals this need to stop otherwise we will never compete at the top of the league! We can play better but we all dug in and worked hard and grinded our a point 💪🏽👍🏽
This manager doesn’t know what he is doing! It was the same at arsenal and he got sacked!! Kubo should be starting every game!! 👌🏽 twitter.com/weeklysd/statu…