🚨After BD returned from MECH(メック後の助手ちゃ注意) Sorry, this piece doesn't have the fun vibes that I usually create 😭 SOB 描いて自分でダメージ被るわたしメソメソ...
私も医者助手人魚描いたけどただ下半身くっつけただけなっちゃった素人には早すぎた😭 Merformer KOBD doodle! Umm I don't know how should I redesign their upper body... 😂🫧
完全に描いたこと忘れてるプライム3参謀出てきた My old fan art that I completely forgot I had drawn 😂 They're playing rock-paper-scissors, and Starscream is cheating. Shockwave says "Ughh... I am shocked"