iKON Global 아이콘 글로벌(@iKON_Global)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

[📈] #iKON is currently trending at #7 on Melon search! iKON THE CLASSY SAVAGE #iKONxLisaOnKINGDOM @YG_iKONIC #iKON #아이콘
[JUNSTAGRAM] #JUNHOE Instagram Update 050521 #어린이날#두번째사진은입에짜장묻은듯 🔗 instagram.com/p/COfWChMhwJz/… @tkwpcnfak @YG_iKONIC #iKON #아이콘 #구준회 #ジュネ
[📈] GOOD DATA Non-Drama Cast for the 3rd week of May, 2021 #1 iKON — Kingdom: Legendary War (+15) #iKON #아이콘 @YG_iKONIC
[INSTAGRAM] YGE/X Choreographer & Dancer Update 020521 “I participated in #iKON’s 3rd contest as director&choreographer! Thanks to iKON members, dancers & all the staff for making better performances each week. We prepared hard for the last contest, please look forward to it!❤️”
[INSTAGRAM] #iKON Instagram Update Attending a YGE Producers Wedding @YG_iKONIC #아이콘
[🎞] #HANBIN's greeting from QQ Music! Listen to 'Got It Like That' on QQ Music: 🔗 i.y.qq.com/n2/m/share/det… B.I GLOBAL SINGLE OUT NOW #GotItLikeThatWithBI #비아이_솔로싱글_가릿라잌댓 @shxx131bi131 @131_label_
[🎊] THEKKING Boy Group in the first half of 2021 Congratulations Bobby! 🎉 For winning 1st place, he will have a CM board ad for 30 days. Great job iKONICS! #Bobby #바비 #バビ #iKON #아이콘 @bobbyranika @YG_iKONIC
[👑] Mnet has posted a preview ahead of today’s episode of Kingdom. Check out below clips of ITS ONE (vocal unit) - Spark & iKON x LISA - Classy Savage @YG_iKONIC #아이콘 #iKON
[📈] #iKON is currently trending at #7 on Melon search! @YG_iKONIC #아이콘
[🏆] #iKON's award-winning video has been released on the CELEBe app for the Korea Arts and Culture Awards Ceremony - winners of the Hallyu Idol category! 🎉 Well done! Thank you for always making us proud! 🥰 @YG_iKONIC #아이콘
[👑]#DONGHYUK will be part of a new song called "A Boy's Diary" along with members of the other 5 groups. This is part of a special stage that’ll take place during the Live Broadcast! 🔗 naver.me/G6D000WT iKON READY FOR FINALE @YG_iKONIC #아이콘 #iKON #김동혁 #ドンヒョク
[📈] #iKON is currently trending at #1 on Melon search! Let’s continue to search them there to stay on top! iKON IS FREE #iKONTheIdolKings #고마워_우리_아이콘 @YG_iKONIC #아이콘
[🎊] Congratulations to Junhoe! We officially now have 2 actors in iKON are we are so happy and excited to see his acting debut! Let's show him support by using the tagline and his tags below! ACTOR KOO JUNHOE #구준회 #JUNHOE @tkwpcnfak #아이콘 #iKON @YG_iKONIC
[🎊] A big congratulations to Bobby on the birth of his baby boy! We wish you nothing but happiness and joy on this new journey. 🔗 n.news.naver.com/entertain/now/… @bobbyranika @YG_iKONIC #iKON #아이콘 #바비 #김지원 #バビ
[👑] iKON's Ranking for Kingdom's Round 1's Youtube streaming and Global Fan Voting: Youtube (10%): 2nd place Global Fan Voting (40%): 3rd place iKON BORN FOR STAGE #iKONTheREBORNKings @YG_iKONIC #아이콘 #iKON
[🔔] #iKON on Channel A's 'Doctor Oh's Golden Clinic' iKONICS! Don't forget to catch #BOBBY, #DONGHYUK & #JUNHOE later on 'Dr. Oh's Golden Clinic' at 9:30PM KST! 🔗 m.ichannela.com/info/main/info… Set your alarms! ☺️ #아이콘 @YG_iKONIC #STANWORLD #SWNewSeason
🎊Congratulations to our Chanwoo Let’s support and cheer on #CHANWOO as he makes a great return to the stage and acting world! This is a great long-awaited opportunity for him! ACTOR CHANWOO IS BACK #WelcomeBackActorChanwoo @iKON_chan_w000 @YG_iKONIC
[📈] MelOn Top Artist Chart (Male Groups) 290521 #10 iKON (+14) @YG_iKONIC #iKON #아이콘
[📈] #iKON is currently trending at #7 on Melon search! @YG_iKONIC #아이콘
[📈] #iKON has accumulated a total of 9M+ searches on Melon with over 3K daily search! #킹덤투표는_5번_아이콘 iKON REIGNS AT EASE #FeelAtEaseWithiKON #아이콘_차렷_열중쉬어 @YG_iKONIC
[👑]#iKON x Lisa ’Classy Savage’ Kingdom FULL PERFORMANCE has now surpassed 1M views!🥳 Great job Everyone! Let’s keep this up and hit our goal of 4M in 24Hrs! Stream the correct way! 🔗youtu.be/8fd0-nte_t8 iKON THE CLASSY SAVAGE #iKONxLisaOnKINGDOM @YG_iKONIC #iKON #아이콘
[ℹ️] iKONICS! iKON will be performing at Waterbomb Busan! 💦🔫 Details here: Venue: Busan Asiad Auxiliary Stadium Date: 30 July 2022 (Sat) Ticket purchase: waterbombfestival.com/ticket-busan/ Leave likes and awesome comments on the post! 🔗 instagram.com/p/CgBF8O9rcKZ/… #iKON #아이콘 @YG_iKONIC
[#️⃣] #iKON is now trending #13 Worldwide! 🌏 #아이콘 @YG_iKONIC