Tim Burgess(@Tim_Burgess)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

If you love Tellin’ Stories by @thecharlatans, then you may or may not know that that’s Martin Duffy playing keyboards on each track (except Rob’s Theme, Area 51 & One To Another). Nobody else in the world could have stepped in and joined us like he did. We love you Duffy x x
Got myself a new job. I’ll be working at @PCPCoffee in Liverpool next Thursday (December 1st) from 11am ish. Pay extra and I might even sign your cup. They do amazing work so it’ll be a privilege to help out My coffees probably won’t look as good as theirs 😉
Twenty four hours is a long time in politics
If your idea of the best option is someone who was run out of town in disgrace, then it’s pretty safe to say that you’re either out of options or you’re out of your mind
“But who cares - maybe tomorrow You can lead and I could follow So walk where angels fear to tread For everything you've ever wanted And if you ever think of me I'll be thinking of you” youtu.be/178ojX0Q4QA
Quick question: Does @Twitter seem better or worse since @elonmusk took over?
The mood of The UK as an album sleeve
再び日本と日本のファンのみんなにさよならを言う時が来たよ。皆に会えて、2回の公演が出来た事はとても素晴らしかったし、光栄に思ってる。また近いうちに会えますように!Tim x ❤️🇯🇵
Ticket companies doing touts out of a job by, erm, becoming the scalpers themselves and doubling prices for popular tickets. By this thinking town councils could employ their own muggers to deter others from performing unregulated street robbery 🤷‍♂️ bbc.com/news/entertain…