Keep in mind this involved just one person - nobody else knew. He did it secretively and without speaking to anyone else about it. Look at how many knew, colluded and benefitted from PPE contracts - with none of them raising the alarm
And we had no other choice than to keep going, to pay back everything we owed. A debt driven by someone defrauding us.
Also keep in mind that this was one individual in a terrible state of mind, stealing from a business where he had access to accounts. With the Baroness’s PPE case, multiply the amount by 700 and add in that there were multiple steps involved (plus a subsequent attempted cover up)
Suggesting that we all go and clap on our doorsteps when the first of the PPE fraudsters is jailed
Lots of Tory MPs coming up with many and varied reasons why they are not standing at the next general election, when there’s only one really. They have been well and truly found out. That’s it, that’s why
MPs have given themselves a £20,000 pay increase over the last 12 years.
A nurse with up to two years experience earns £20,270
Worth remembering that the real enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
Nurses are with us when we come into this world and often when we leave it. They punctuate the moments in between with care and compassion - I know who I support when it’s between them and self serving politicians who fill the pockets of themselves and their cronies
We’ve been here before, haven’t we Piers? The last couple of Charlatans albums were both in the top 10. We headline festivals, we’re doing fine thanks very much. We’re about to go on tour in America, how did it work out for you there our kid? twitter.com/piersmorgan/st…
This morning, Sarah Cracknell and I went to see @laurenlaverne at @BBC6Music - we performed a song together that we haven’t done in as long as either of us can remember.
Hope you like it
👇*sound on*
December 17th 2009
Rage Against The Machine played a session on @bbc5live - they’d been asked not sing a certain line that literally said they don’t like being told what to do. You can guess the rest…
We started The @LlSTENlNG_PARTY on March 23rd 2020. Today is exactly 1,000 days since that date. We have played 1,267 albums together. All the love to every band and artist who have taken part and all of you who’ve listened along. It’s been an honour! We have BIG plans for 2023
Politicians issuing ‘stay in your lane’ diktats to footballers, musicians etc. - we would love to and be able to if you actually did your job with some empathy, compassion and a touch less greed and corruption.
“But who cares - maybe tomorrow
You can lead and I could follow
So walk where angels fear to tread
For everything you've ever wanted
And if you ever think of me
I'll be thinking of you”
Definitely a time to show love, check in on others and help wherever you can. Nobody knows how long any of us will be around for x x
Enjoy yourself. It’s later than you think
Night all x
Monday January 2nd
7pm (UK time)
A @LlSTENlNG_PARTY featuring Home by Terry Hall.
No guests, no tweets from me - just the songs and a chance to share thoughts and memories via #TimsTwitterListeningParty
If you think @GNev2 has ‘betrayed Britain’ then you are stark raving mad. Only those in power have access to really affect what is going on, anyone else is just commenting on it. The newspaper running the feature has been proved time and again to peddle hatred and division
If you love Tellin’ Stories by @thecharlatans, then you may or may not know that that’s Martin Duffy playing keyboards on each track (except Rob’s Theme, Area 51 & One To Another). Nobody else in the world could have stepped in and joined us like he did. We love you Duffy x x