Tim Burgess(@Tim_Burgess)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

One of my favourites on the album #FaithInTheFuture twitter.com/Louis_Tomlinso…
Parliament doesn’t even sit for 22 weeks of the year, yet while this is going on @BorisJohnson is ‘on holiday’ - I think we can all agree we’ve seen enough from him already, no need for him to rush back
Elon releasing all the suspended accounts back onto twitter like a supervillain busting everyone out of Gotham State Penitentiary in an unhinged episode of Batman
OK, so most mornings I can if anyone wants a coffee but on Friday we’re doing it for realz at @PCPCoffee in Liverpool. It’s a brilliant place. I’ve pre-paid for enough coffees to sort everyone out, so go and grab one on me ❤️
Today the Chancellor decided not to extend free school meals to millions of children, but according to the latest stats taxpayers stumped up £57,000 a week to subsidise food and drink for politicians across both houses.
Props to Cedric Bixler-Zavala on Instagram
The uncapped bonuses for bankers has stayed, right? Thought so
DOn’t MoVE tO a CitY CeNtrE And cOmpLaiN AbouT ThE NOisE FroM veNUes ThAT HaVE bEen tHeRE FOr gEnEraTioNs If you care about live music sign this petition for @nightanddaycafe change.org/p/manchester-c…
If you are wondering what the UK looks like to the rest of the world right now
If someone embezzled £5,000 from the benefits system (while not owning a car or a house, never mind a yacht) they would be more than likely be jailed. Kind of guessing that might not happen here (although it 100% should)
Got myself a new job. I’ll be working at @PCPCoffee in Liverpool next Thursday (December 1st) from 11am ish. Pay extra and I might even sign your cup. They do amazing work so it’ll be a privilege to help out My coffees probably won’t look as good as theirs 😉
The mood of The UK as an album sleeve
The government bringing back painful memories of those Sugarbabes line up changes
If your idea of the best option is someone who was run out of town in disgrace, then it’s pretty safe to say that you’re either out of options or you’re out of your mind
So, yeah, the coffees are on me at @PCPCoffee in Liverpool today, maybe chuck in a tip if you have one and can afford it but they’re there to be enjoyed so get stuck in Happy Friday everyone ❤️
The 2021 revenue for Universal Music Group (@UMG) was over $10bn (yep that’s 10 BILLION dollars). @lowtheband are unable to tour, so their income is solely from their recorded music. This just doesn’t seem fair at all twitter.com/lowtheband/sta…
再び日本と日本のファンのみんなにさよならを言う時が来たよ。皆に会えて、2回の公演が出来た事はとても素晴らしかったし、光栄に思ってる。また近いうちに会えますように!Tim x ❤️🇯🇵
And now they tell us there is no money to help the most vulnerable among us. We need the same level of forensic investigation into the £37 billion useless track and trace system
おめでとう日本 🇯🇵
Oh yeah, I’m Tim Burgess, not Tom Burgess by the way 😉
October 9th 7pm (UK time) To celebrate John Lennon’s birthday, join us for a Gimme Some Truth @LlSTENlNG_PARTY with tweets from the @johnlennon account, with very special guest @yokoono