You’re gonna need a bigger ranch! #UltraKaiju #MonsterRancher is coming to Nintendo Switch in 2022. #Ultraman
Let the nostalgia eat you up as you make your way through PAC-MAN Museum + with 14 of the series' legendary titles!
Arcade, Puzzle, Adventure, and more! Arriving Early 2022!
#KLONOA Phantasy Reverie Series will release digitally on PS4/ PS5, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and Steam on 7/8!
This remaster will come with many new gameplay elements!
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⭐ Android 21 🍩
🍭 appreciation post #DBFZ ⭐
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Fighter. Swordsman. Super Saiyan. There's nothing this kid can't do! 💪 #DBFZ
Happy Birthday to Trunks, our favorite time traveler! 🎊 🍰 🎈
The PAC is back!
Good morning, @officialpacman fans! 🌅
Do you love #Katamari? We sure do!
Keep it rolling with We ♥ Katamari Reroll+ Royal Reverie, coming on 6/2!
Lidia Sobieska, joins the #TEKKEN 7 ranks on March 23rd!
The Polish citizens have cried out for a stronger leader & Lidia has answered that call! Also arriving is the new Island Paradise stage!
Are you ready for the next battle? Order TEKKEN 7 today: spr.ly/T7-Buy
Where do dreams go? 💭
Venture through Klonoa: Door to Phantomile and Klonoa 2: Lunatea’s Veil to try and find out!
#KLONOA Phantasy Reverie Series is out TODAY on all platforms along with a demo to try it out: spr.ly/6014zUJxw
#KLONOA Phantasy Reverie Series is out today and so is the FREE Demo!
Try it out on PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch!
Purchase the full game when you're ready: spr.ly/6017zUJQZ
Dec 11th is the 25th anniversary of #KLONOA: Door to Phantomile being released in Japan! 🌬
To commemorate this milestone, enjoy this new illustration from Character Designer Yoshihiko Arawi!
We would like to thank all fans for your continued support! Wahoo!
Never let a Spirit Detective handle a demon's job. Hiei is joining #JUMPFORCE!
Will you be able to handle the Dragon of the Darkness Flame?
Hiei arrives later this Fall and to Nintendo Switch in 2021. spr.ly/6018GtfRo
NASA discovered water on the moon! Wonder what other secrets the moon is hiding... 👁️ #Naruto
Don't get in her way when Android 21 arrives as DLC to #DBFZ 💪 💥 Order: spr.ly/6016KEQYr
Android 21 (Lab Coat) is skilled in combat and is a master at absorbing her opponent's energy!
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RT if Klonoa
is your favorite skrunkly
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Throwback to that time we gave Naruto, a Goku outfit for #NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: ULTIMATE NINJA STORM 3!
Did you grab this outfit? 🤔
"A true martial artist doesn't fight to win, they fight to better themselves." #DBFZ
Master Roshi arrives on 9/18/2020! Order our Fighterz Pass 3 and get 2 days EARLY ACCESS!
Are you ready to join the Turtle School? spr.ly/6016GtH4e
Gear up for #ELDENRING and wield these prizes!
Enter for a chance to win! Giveaway runs until 3/11 at 11:59pm PST: spr.ly/6018Kzde2
Nothing can hold Pot Friend. #ELDENRING twitter.com/geoffkeighley/…
Jump, float, and WAHOO if you're excited! #KLONOA Phantasy Reverie Series will include KLONOA: Door to Phantomile and KLONOA 2: Lunatea's Veil!
Coming soon on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC, and to the Nintendo Switch on July 8! More info: spr.ly/6019KrvY1
LET'S GO!!! – Super Baby 2 arrives Jan. 15th to #DragonBallFIGHTERZ!
What are you most excited for, Super Baby 2 or our special teaser at the end? 😏
Pick up FighterZ Pass 3 today & get 2 day early access! spr.ly/DBFZ-Buy
It all starts with a sketch!✏️❤️
Get ready for the 7/8 release of KLONOA PHANTASY REVERIE SERIES with this piece of concept art!
More info: spr.ly/6188zXvs8