Spoon & Tamago(@Johnny_suputama)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Minami-Sanriku, a day after it was flattened by the tsunami vs last month the-japan-news.com/news/article/0…
Happy Setsubun from the Uminomori Aquarium where their sea eel ehomaki are on display again this year
There are numerous tiny train lines across Japan that are a dying breed. One of those is the Geibi Line, running through mountainous chugoku region. Aside from a handful of train fans, there are only 3 daily riders, all local students. sankei.com/article/202205…
I never knew this but The Hungry Caterpillar was first printed in Japan because Eric Carle couldn’t find a printer in the U.S. who could create the unique pages and binding asahi.com/sp/ajw/article…
This is Japan's very first known photo of a pet cat. It was taken by Prince Tokugawa Yoshinobu around 1868 and features his pet cat Han. shizubi.jp/exhibition/101…
omg peak librarian: every time someone goes into Fukui Prefectural Library and asks for a book but gets the title wrong, librarians catalog the mistake into a "misremembered book titles" section that gets published to their website library-archives.pref.fukui.lg.jp/tosyo/category…
Incredible hand-painted orb of a Japanese suburban neighborhood by artist @samejimadaisuke
Service on the Yamanoted Line’s inner loop is suspended all weekend as tracks are being moved so the line can operate on a single platform rather than 2. Wild that this is a manual job.
I love how the translator was really going for it and then just gave up at the end
Tried to remove her mask but her glasses came off with it twitter.com/suiru_k/status…
Shizuoka, which calls itself home to plastic model (puramo) makers like Bandai and Tamiya, are installing “puramonuments” around the city asahi.com/articles/ASP3F…
Reporter: What would you say to fans who are worried Spirited Away might get unseated? Miyazaki: Who cares? There’s inflation all around us. Ok, gotta get back to picking up garbage... BLESS THIS MAN’S HEART
Starbucks is celebrating 25 years in Japan by releasing a frappuccino unique to every single prefecture: starbucks.co.jp/cafe/jimoto_fr…
The maker of Sakuma Drops, the iconic candy that made a cameo in Grave of the Fireflies, announced they will be permanently shuttering their doors come January.
Oteshima (pop. 34), a remote island in Japan's Inland Sea, is home to Akiko Imanaka, the sole student from the island's elementary and junior high. Last week, the entire town showed up for her graduation. mainichi.jp/english/articl…
Interesting new development at Shinjuku’s giant kitty screen
I want to see this same experiment but with nagashi-somen twitter.com/Johnny_suputam…
Brilliant concept by Yuni Yoshida (featuring comedy duo Banana Man) for fashion magazine Soen: instagram.com/p/CIVr5adBtz1/…
Shinjuku Station Southeast Plaza through the years 😭
That cashier who looks away as you enter your debit PIN twitter.com/ochagakari/sta…
Octopus tentacle earbuds. Available this month at a gashapon near you.
A few years ago a pro-undergrounding group created this image of Hokusai’s Red Fuji with utility poles and power lines to show how ugly they are. But it had the opposite effect. People loved the image.
Clarification: the sunken ships are on the neighboring Island of Iwojima, which rose up from the sea due to all the tectonic activity.