Spoon & Tamago(@Johnny_suputama)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

Kabuki actor Ukon Onoe II throwing the opening pitch at Kyocera Dome in Osaka yesterday: sankei.com/photo/story/ne…
Here’s a full video of that opening pitch by Ukon Onoe.
Incredible ad for Pocari Sweat, shot in almost a single take through a gigantic, motorized set. No CGI:
Coco-chan, who alerted authorities to an elderly man who had fallen in a ditch and aided in his rescue, received an honorary award from police today in Toyama. Coco-chan: I will never save another human ever twitter.com/nhk_news/statu…
Wow - fashion magazine publisher Takarajima-sha took out full page ads in today’s Asahi, Yomiuri and Nikkei newspapers. “No vaccine. No medicine Do you expect us to fight with bamboo spears. At this rate, politics will kill us”
I never knew this but The Hungry Caterpillar was first printed in Japan because Eric Carle couldn’t find a printer in the U.S. who could create the unique pages and binding asahi.com/sp/ajw/article…
me emerging from quarantine having forgotten how to properly interact with others
Starbucks is celebrating 25 years in Japan by releasing a frappuccino unique to every single prefecture: starbucks.co.jp/cafe/jimoto_fr…
If you like nondescript Japanese street scenes and contemporary dance, then the nonsensical dance unit @aguyoshi is for you:
A new supersized 3D screen has gone up in Shinjuku. This giant kitty will be featured in between broadcasts.
Rare footage of Shinjuku’s giant kitty, seen just once a day at 7AM sharp
I don’t know who needs to see this, but it’s a capybara onsen cheescake spoon-tamago.com/2021/07/18/cap…
Stunning video from Omega, the official timekeeper of the Olympics
Wholesome story of the day: Fukuoka City has re-painted one of their port cranes to look like a giraffe. Unveiling the paint job, the mayor noted that he hopes it cheers up the kids in Fukuoka Children’s Hospital, which looks over the port. sankei.com/article/202107…
Kosuke Yasukawa, a practicing physician in the US, created this graphic that illustrates the gap in perceptions of COVID-19 symptoms between the public and doctors asahi.com/ajw/articles/1…
Can’t stop thinking about this cat table with a lid spoon-tamago.com/2021/08/16/din…
Cup Noodle is so excited about their 50th anniversary that they created Cup Noodle-flavored sodas. store.nissin.com/jp/special/cup…
I love how the translator was really going for it and then just gave up at the end
Studio Ghibli (@JP_GHIBLI) has been tweeting images of Mei and Satsuki’s home being built in the new Ghibli Park and I can’t 😭😭😭
This is Japan's very first known photo of a pet cat. It was taken by Prince Tokugawa Yoshinobu around 1868 and features his pet cat Han. shizubi.jp/exhibition/101…
ways to say I don't know in kansai-ben: shiran (知らん) - no idea shiranwa (知らんわ) - how should I know shiranshi (知らんし) - don't know, don't care shirannen (知らんねん) - sorry, don't know shirangana (知らんがな) - IDGAF shirankedo (知らんけど) - unsure/don't take my word
I thought we were done with the craziest parts of the pandemic but the Hoshinya Tokyo hotel just proved me wrong hoshinoresorts.com/information/re…
A new volcanic islet has emerged along the Ogasawara island chain, which isn’t that rare. What’s rare is for sunken ships from WWII to emerge with it: youtu.be/uTGGhRrHo0Q