Spoon & Tamago(@Johnny_suputama)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

The Chinese theatrical release of Spirited Away is next week and they just released these beautiful posters:
me emerging from quarantine having forgotten how to properly interact with others
ways to say I don't know in kansai-ben: shiran (知らん) - no idea shiranwa (知らんわ) - how should I know shiranshi (知らんし) - don't know, don't care shirannen (知らんねん) - sorry, don't know shirangana (知らんがな) - IDGAF shirankedo (知らんけど) - unsure/don't take my word
There are a couple signs indicating that the areas are reserved for the bees. Yes, bees drink water. But they also use it to regulate the temperature of the hive, feed young bees, and dilute stored honey.
Just what 2020 needed: an ancient burial ground with 1500 remains has been discovered at a redevelopment site in Osaka. sankei.com/photo/story/ne…
Earlier this month the group’s leader, Takeo Shimizu, made his 1st public appearance in 51 years (!) at a rally, which is what triggered the raid: sankei.com/smp/premium/ne…
The Takachiho Amaterasu Railway, a roofless train that takes tourists along a scenic route in Miyazaki, now runs on biodiesel made from leftover tonkotsu ramen broth. Riders report the exhaust smells like fried rice. sankei.com/article/202211…
My favorite holiday ad campaign ever? This on (2013) from Japanese retailer Afternoon Tea. Art director Yuni Yoshida's use of perspective to create a visual Christmas Tree on stairs and a hallway.
Person who booked a conference room but there’s someone in it and now they’re checking to make sure they actually booked it before knocking twitter.com/ssg_pr/status/…
Wholesome story of the day: Fukuoka City has re-painted one of their port cranes to look like a giraffe. Unveiling the paint job, the mayor noted that he hopes it cheers up the kids in Fukuoka Children’s Hospital, which looks over the port. sankei.com/article/202107…
坂本龍一がニューヨークで常連だった精進料理屋さんのBGMが耐えきれないぐらい酷くて、自分から料理長にお願いしてプレイリスト作り直した話しホント好き。 「料理は桂離宮なのにBGMはトランプタワー」だと😂 坂本さん!!
#地味ハロウィン ① woman who missed trash pickup ② guy who face-swapped with Starbucks cup ③ photo assistant whose job it is to make child laugh ④ Banksy remote-controlling his shredder at auction spoon-tamago.com/2019/10/27/jap…
Surreal scene today at the Tottori Museum where visitors were invited to see the Tyrannosaurus Exhibition, dressed up as Tyrannosauruses
Even the Streetcars in Sapporo wear masks sankei.com/photo/story/ne…
A lion escape drill conducted today at Tennoji Zoo in Osaka. The actor really taking some creative liberties to own that role.
Known as Chukakuha in Japan, the ultra-leftist group is linked to a 1971 riot in Shibuya that left 1 officer dead. Here’s a NYT report on the incident: nytimes.com/1971/11/20/arc…
If you're in Tokyo, tomorrow is the last day to catch @duolingo's exhibition of mistranslated phrases. ultrasupernew.gallery/tokyo/exhibiti…
日本の友達から、バイデン勝ったね!とか、選挙おめでとう!みたいなメッセージがくるんだけど、あれなんだよね、、、 ホラー映画の最中で怪物が死ぬんだけど、上映時間がまだ20分残ってる みたいな心境なんだよね
Japan, never change
If you like nondescript Japanese street scenes and contemporary dance, then the nonsensical dance unit @aguyoshi is for you:
Meanwhile, Utsunomiya has installed gyoza street lights twitter.com/nhk_news/statu…
The scariest train station in all of Japan? That would be 小前田 (omaeda). When train conductors announce it they say tsugi wa omaeda, meaning “you’re next” sankei.com/article/202208…
Studio Ghibli just announced they’ll be uploading 50 free stills from each of their movies: “feel free to use them as you wish, within the bounds of common sense” ghibli.jp/info/013344/