This weekend, Hamas is planning to send terrorists among thousands of rioters in Gaza to storm Israel’s border, breach the fence, & kill Israeli families living a mere 5 minute walk from the onslaught. Our duty is to protect Israeli civilians. Our duty is to #StopHamas
The video that Hamas doesn’t want you to see this weekend: #StopHamas
Calling a violent riot a “peaceful protest” is like calling @Tinder a place to make friends... It just isn’t. #StopHamas
Using knives at a “protest” is like using sandpaper as toilet paper… You just don’t. #StopHamas
Saying a violent riot is a “peaceful protest” is like saying @shakira’s hips lie… They just don’t. #StopHamas
Using bombs at a “protest” is like using a lawnmower to shave your legs… You just don’t. #StopHamas
Calling a violent riot a “peaceful protest” is like calling @foodgod a picky eater… He just isn’t. #StopHamas
Using explosives at a “protest” is like using barbed wire as dental floss… You just don’t. #StopHamas
Meet the soldiers that have been protecting Israeli families on Israel's southern border for the past year.
#StopHamas A year of violent Hamas riots in numbers:
Hamas rockets. Hamas riots. 2 weapons. 1 goal: Kill Israeli civilians We won’t let them. #StopHamas
This is Imri, a two year old living near Gaza. When Hamas fires rockets indiscriminately into Israel, they target Imri and children just like him. Listen to him tell his father what he feels when he hears air-raid sirens:
This DIY video was posted on Palestinian social media showing Gazans preparing explosives for violent Hamas riots. #StopHamas
If you still have doubts about their intentions from the video, they attached a sign to the IEDs that read "death to Israel." They're stating it loud and clear. #StopHamas
Explosives were hurled tonight during a violent Hamas riot. We responded by attacking a Hamas military post in Gaza. Hamas must be held accountable for their violence. #StopHamas
These are some of Israel's neighbors... #StopHamas
These 8 year old children were forced to cross into Israel with a knife. We returned them safely to Gaza.
Take a look at the Facebook profile of the "Sons of Zouari"- a Hamas unit that violently attacks Israel, throwing grenades and explosives. They boasted on their page that today's riot will be laden with explosives. They are.
The children of Gaza deserve the right to a future without violence. #StopHamas
HAPPENING NOW: 40,000 violent rioters in Gaza, some armed with knives, explosives, and grenades, are attempting to breach Israel's border and reach Israeli families on the other side of the fence. If our soldiers weren't there, they could.
These are the people that we are protecting:
When we posted this video on Facebook, Facebook flagged it, but kept it up "because it may help rescue the child." Indeed the children of Gaza should be rescued from the brutal regime of Hamas. #StopHamas
EXCLUSIVE FOOTAGE: Violence today on Israel’s border with Gaza. IDF soldiers are stationed along the border to protect Israeli families under attack. #StopHamas
🚨RIGHT NOW: 5 rockets were launched from Gaza at Israel
In response to the rockets fired from Gaza at Israel earlier this evening, IDF tanks struck a number of Hamas military posts in the Gaza Strip.