スターブラックゲイザー素敵すぎてつい… Time to draw some ChroNoiR!! #くろのあとりえ #かな絵 #KuzuArt
[YGO] I like Change of Heart Bakura so much i drew it 3 times so far 🤣 #yugioh
[Penny Blood] I am so looking forward to Penny Blood... 😭💖 #PennyBlood #ペニーブラッド
I wrote these info of copyright and recently about AI art for my future students. I’m not a lawyer so I can’t explain on what every scenario, as what is morally just =/= legally just either. Hope this will explain some things, what to watch out for and how to protect your work.
[YGO] The one who granted his wishes #yugioh
[YGO] Some of my more significant yu gi oh illustrations of this year.
[YYH] I've been out of it for the past week but finally drew a Kurama rkgk, hope that will get me back into good drawing mode again 💪🙏
[Shadow Hearts] Seeing Penny Blood updates got me drawing and replaying #ShadowHearts again 😭 I love UruAri forever #シャドウハーツ
[GBF] Long time no PerciDjeeta art!! 😊💖💖
[DGM] First ink drawing of the year...!!
[YYH] Wanted to try drawing the one scene which Kurama was... very angry 👀✨
It's the 30th anniversary of Yu Yu Hakusho! ありがとうございます! #幽遊白書 #幽遊白書30周年
[TGCF] I was too intimidated to draw TGCF for years but I finally drew it properly 😂 took 4.5 hours #hualian
[YGO] Kaiba inktober drawing! Drawn with black pen, black marker and blue shimmer ink #YuGiOh
[TGCF] Crown Prince of Xianle just some more practice drawings
[TGCF] Hua Cheng practice drawing this time ..
[TGCF] I've always wanted to try drawing an underwater illustration so.... Hualian 👀🪷
[YGO] Don't talk to me or my aibo every again 😤
[TGCF] Red, black and white is fun to draw with...