It's the 30th anniversary of Yu Yu Hakusho! ありがとうございます! #幽遊白書 #幽遊白書30周年
[YGO] ' v ' Aibo ... (I like the Atem who waits and sits around when Yugi's sleeping 😌)
[YYH] Hello and meet my first 2D love, Kurama 🌹 (Been rewatching Yu Yu Hakusho...)
[YYH] Some practice Kurama drawings!
[Shadow Hearts] Seeing Penny Blood updates got me drawing and replaying #ShadowHearts again 😭 I love UruAri forever #シャドウハーツ
[YGO] Thief King Bakura!! Most fun commission drawing I've had in a while, thank you 👀
[Trigun] First time drawing Vash! ' v '/
[YGO] Yami Yugi, Bakura and Marik! Who would you play against? 😌💖✨
[TGCF] Hualian charm design (going to try something new with it) coming sometime this year! (◡‿◡✿) Can't wait to share!
[YGO] Yugi and Kaiba looping illustration/animation! wallpaper engine and details below! 😊
[YYH] Kurama all day, everyday
[YGO] Recent Yugi Mutou drawings
[YYH] Quick 3hr Kurama drawing this time around!!
[YYH] Wanted to try drawing the one scene which Kurama was... very angry 👀✨
[DGM] Hello D.Gray-Man comrades, did you miss me 😌 ✨
[YYH] Some practice team Urameshi drawings ! #幽遊白書
[YYH] Been wanting to try and draw some of Kurama's scenes again 🤔
モノノ怪rkgk Drawing of the medicine seller..!!! So excite to see him again 🙏🙏❤️ #mononoke15th
[YGO] It's been years since I've drawn Yu-Gi-Oh or Yugis, so here's my fave
[YGO] Bakura, Bakura and... Bakura.