A continental drift flipbook, by Christopher Scotese
[full paper & DYI: buff.ly/3YogZP6]
This scanning electron microscope picture shows a nerve ending. It has been broken open to reveal vesicles (orange and blue) containing chemicals used to pass messages in the nervous system. The picture was captured by Tina Carvalho [source: ow.ly/3FAy50wTBnk]
Photographer Yves Villa captured this unusually heart-shaped lightning in Provence, France, on July 31, 2016
[source, more photos: buff.ly/3EO5DfK]
This has been called 'the most annoying gif on the Internet' [buff.ly/30DLya6] but it has some interesting references, because it's a kind of a visualization in gif form of the concept of coastlines' fractal dimension: buff.ly/3ny2zv7
«Ladder to the sky»
This small wooden jetty on a foggy lake in Latvia creates a brilliant optical illusion of being totally suspended amidst the sky
[📹 elizabetevizuma: buff.ly/3D4uARv]
The green vine snake is viviparous, giving birth to young that grow within the body of the mother, enclosed within the egg membrane. This is a handful of green vine snakes
[📹Christopher Dickey: buff.ly/3TQP9Zh]
The Incline Gravity Clock has no batteries or mainspring but it's powered by gravity. As the clock rolls down the incline, gravitational potential energy is translated into the kinetic energy of the moving clock gear train and oscillating balance wheel buff.ly/3wpZTTp
This eruption of the Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala, allows us to appreciate the volcanic lightning, arising from colliding, fragmenting particles of volcanic ash
[📹 Astro Météo 53, HD: buff.ly/3tB3f5m]
This typewriter AEG Mignon n. 4 was built in 1925. It's a very compact pointer typewriter with interchangeable type cylinder and keyboard: more than 36 different fonts were available
[full video by grvene: buff.ly/2QEaCsO]
These are the unusual ice patterns that wildlife photographer Karl Ramsdell captured with a drone in Mirror lake, New Hampshire. This might be caused by heat rising from the water below
[read more: buff.ly/2QH7s4V]
[source, more photos: buff.ly/3fbmew6]
How a simple, careful placement of leaves around a tree's roots makes it look like an unearthly glow [read more: buff.ly/2XGxJ9y]
Silkmoths of the genus Rhodinia have larvae of the later instar that squeak loudly if touched, a very likely mechanism of defense used to frighten predators
[read more: buff.ly/3HKq5N0]
[📹 Bart Coppens: buff.ly/3G4QULl]
An interesting take on tensegrity where one heavy wire frame seems mysteriously suspended above another. This configuration is related to the concept of tensegrity invented by Kenneth Snelson and made famous by the architect Buckminster Fuller in 1949 buff.ly/349NSm6
In contrast to the honeybee, most bee species are solitary and have no hives, no workers. Diadasia diminuta – or simply the globe mallow bee – sleeps in the orange flowers called Globe Mallows. Joe Neely captured beautiful photos of this unusual sight: buff.ly/2IuojVn
Each of the rings in the image are circles, even though they certainly do not appear to be. This image by @AkiyoshiKitaoka is a visualization of the so called popple illusion
[read more: ow.ly/ob7l30nylcj, buff.ly/2FO2dYm]
Yutong demonstrates 5G-based autonomous bus operations in Zhengzhou. China. This is an intelligent bus terminal where buses park, charge, move and depart with no human operation [read more: buff.ly/3w4eswH]
This is the farthest place on earth from any ocean
Known as the Eurasian Pole of Inaccessibility, it's located in China's Xinjiang region and is 2,645 km (1,644 mi) from the nearest coastline.
[read more: buff.ly/3Y1dU7p]
The male Cabot's tragopan has very colorful decorative, inflatable wattles below its beak and has a pair of peculiar fleshy blue "horns" over the eyes
[read more: buff.ly/2IxQQ96]
How a scientist discovered on Google Earth that cows align themselves North/South when grazing or resting. And how follow up studies revealed deer do this as well
[read more: ow.ly/uZxr30nUXHK]
Have you ever seen a spiral-like aurora? This photo was taken by photographer Juan Carlos Casado in August 2016 over Thingvallavatn Lake in Iceland, a lake that partly fills a fault that divides Earth's large Eurasian and North American tectonic plates buff.ly/2c6yeNP
Did you know? In the time it took scientists to discover it, let it be a planet for 76 years, take away its planet status, say it might be a planet again, then explore it and have its best pictures: Pluto didn't even completed a full orbit around the Sun buff.ly/33W8JJo
A visualization of two physical models of gravity: Newtonian Gravity and Einstein's General Relativity
[source, by eyytee. Full video with explanation: buff.ly/2G9L7sq]
Lascaux is a complex of caves in southwestern France. Over 600 Upper Paleolithic parietal wall paintings (19,000 year old) cover the interior walls and ceilings of the cave. This website allows you to take a virtual tour of the cave: buff.ly/386DL2C
The triple point occurs where the solid, liquid, and gas transition curves meet. It's the only condition in which all three phases can coexist, and is unique for every material. Water reaches it at 0.01° C and at a pressure of 0.006 atm
[📹UCSC Physics: buff.ly/2OMrpoC]
Rubber tapping is the process by which latex is collected from a rubber tree. It is not damaging to the forest, as it doesn't require the tree to be cut down
[read more: buff.ly/3I7FCcO]
[📹 kimman995: buff.ly/3WqOQFx]