This 10 digits puzzle can be 3D printed and results in a nice numerical and geometrical satisfaction [3D print: buff.ly/2A0OKzg]
This generative art by TikTok's recursiveidentity shows a mandelbulb fractal with an impressive cathedral-like level of details while zooming in
[📹 + more videos: buff.ly/3zUNwAP]
Light pillars appeared in the sky over the southern island of Jeju, South Korea on October 26, 2022
[read more: buff.ly/3zhSGXY]
[how they form: ow.ly/1N2030mlOyf]
A recent research found that a cup of tea made with plastic teabags may come with a dose of micro- and nano-sized plastics (the latter being less than 100 nanometers in size) shed from the bags. Health effects are currently unknown [read more: buff.ly/2lLK75g]
While many of them already belong to our past, this visual guide to computer ports and their functions can still be a nice reading
[source, read more at recompute.co.zw: buff.ly/3EHgmoM]
In several parts of the planet, young girls still have to walk miles in the blazing heat everyday to collect water. The Water Wheel carries 5 times more water than a standard pail, requiring only one person per day to go to the well. Learn more: wellsonwheels.co.uk
Nowadays, Disney is one of the biggest companies in the entertainment industry, but in the middle of the 20th century, the studio didn’t have an army of illustrators to draw unique pictures every time so, they reused animations: buff.ly/3ARRMm4
Graffiti artist paints his artworks on the walls of abandoned buildings around Europe, using techniques to create the impressive illusion of depth in his interventions.
In the one below, for example, only the door on the left is real
[more artworks: vilegraffiti.com]
The wails coming from an enclosure at Taronga Zoo, Sydney may sound like the cries of a human baby. But it's just a trickster resident: a lyrebird named Echo learned how to mimic the shrieks & shrills of human babies
[read more: buff.ly/3tCrph9]
The harpy eagle is among the world's largest extant species of eagles. Mean talon size is 8.6 cm in males, and 12.3 cm in females. This photo by Jaime Culebras with details by Daniel Hyde show the sheer size of its talon [sources: buff.ly/3Ewa7EQ, buff.ly/3drDD2s]
In the rain forests of Borneo, a caterpillar builds a tent-like structure that enables it to eat out of the sight of predators by cutting a section of a leaf and folding it along its tiny natural hinges
[📹 BBC Earth: buff.ly/3U3ktEr]
This couple of sea urchins was discovered by a research vessel near New Caledonia at a depth of 300 m and photographed by Steve Jurvetson. They show us how fractals are everywhere, in the geometry of nature
[read more: buff.ly/2rw0h1s]
[source: buff.ly/2rw0e5M]
The SCMaglev is a magnetic levitation (maglev) railway system developed by Central Japan Railway Company and the Railway Technical Research Institute. On 21 April 2015, a manned seven-car L0 Series SCMaglev train reached a speed of 603 km/h (375 mph): buff.ly/2RQeEZy
This optical phenomenon has been defined as a parhelion, but it should probably be defined (more correctly) as a subsun, because it appears as a glowing spot when observed from above
[read more: buff.ly/3rtziTb]
[source: buff.ly/3qElIgt]
Mauna Kea is a dormant volcano, the highest point in the state of Hawaii at 4,207 m above sea level. But most of the mountain is underwater; when measured from its oceanic base, Mauna Kea is over 10,000 m tall and is the tallest mountain on Earth buff.ly/2Hjpfey
This is how Ethan Schlussler from Sandpoint, Idaho built his very own human powered elevator as a means to gain access to his recently constructed treehouse
[full video: buff.ly/2MCRlRx]
There were over 158,962,555,217,826,360,000 combinations to the Enigma Machine, regarding the codes it could use for messages. Yet, Alan Turing's Bombe machine, through trial & error, was able to decode messages sent by Germans in 20 minutes
[video: ow.ly/QjlS30nM0Fr]
Pavegen tiles are used to generate kinetic energy, and each step on them may generate up to 7W of off-grid electricity [source, read more: buff.ly/3AxW7uE]
Graffiti artist Vile leaves his mark on the walls of occupied and abandoned buildings around Europe, using masterful techniques to create the illusion of depth in his painted interventions [more artworks: buff.ly/2AbWriS]
The scale of baby hummingbirds vs a human hand
[📹 Pastor Evaldo da Luz: buff.ly/3VLkbCm]
This bizarre clip from the British Movietone archive is from 1940 and shows an invention supposed to keep babies quiet. It was also promoted as developing the leg muscles making every child a potential soccer international [source: buff.ly/3p9NNf7]
Ranakpur Jain temple in Ranakpur, India is a grand white marble structure spread over 4,500 m2 with 1444 marble pillars carved in exquisite detail, twenty-nine halls, eighty domes and 426 columns [📷 Sabhi Khan, read more: buff.ly/2B8b0aJ]
Java mouse-deer are capable of breeding at any time during the year. Additionally, female mouse-deer have the potential to be pregnant throughout most of their adult life, and they are capable of conceiving 85–155 minutes after giving birth [read more: ow.ly/YkUe30nmY9v]
This is among the most powerful single fireworks ever exploded with a single shell and it was launched in Malta in September 2016
[full video by Janet Reed: buff.ly/2LfBmYh]
Photographer Douglas Croft took this photo from a porthole near the waterline on another boat and captured this amazing perspective of a humpback whale breaching
[read more: buff.ly/3iEHjjI]
[author's site: douglascroftimages.com]