Originally created by Arthur Shapiro and Alex Rose-Henig of American University, this illusion starts with dots moving along linear paths, but soon something different emerges, a rolling circle
[read more, video: buff.ly/2EGVChD]
Sulfur hexafluoride (SF₆) is an extremely potent greenhouse gas and its density is much higher than air. It can create an invisible wave that wipes out several lit candles
[read more: buff.ly/2LBEfmX]
[📹 The Science Factory: buff.ly/3dzK8UY]
Many homes in Pompeii baked their own bread, but it seems that bakeries or pistrina were popular food outlets in the town. These are loaves of bread carbonized in the volcanic pyroclastic flows of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE
[read more: buff.ly/3Cdb59R]
The spectacular sight of mountain goats defying gravity on a vertical dam wall in Italy, and all because they have a craving for some of Earth's elements essential to life
[full video by BBC with @ProfBrianCox: buff.ly/3sHnxry]
The extraordinarily complex and beautiful floor in the cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence
[close up details: buff.ly/3z6qs2v]
A cross-section of an elephant’s foot alongside a human foot x-ray, revealing a striking skeletal likeness
[source, credit, University of Queensland: buff.ly/2LXrkAb]
This tornado (later rated EF2) captured by meteorologist and storm chaser @ReedTimmerAccu north of Wray, Colorado in 2016, is still one of the best examples of an extreme weather event as seen up close
[full video, HD: buff.ly/3F3QwLO]
Everyone knows Leonardo's Mona Lisa very well, but most of the people may have missed that he wasn't the only one who painted her: one of his students painted this version, currently on display at the Prado museum in Madrid in far better conditions ow.ly/X0V430na6TQ
Fruit farmers' most difficult task is organizing the havest. Tevel's drones select, pick and box only ripe fruits with the help of an AI working day and night
[full video: buff.ly/3APys9i]
HiP-CT is a new technique that can hierarchically image whole human organs, beginning with the resolution of a human hair (25μm/voxel) down to a resolution where we can see single cells (1.5μm/voxel) [full video by Paul Tafforeau: buff.ly/3x3QwJo-]
These oogpister and bombardier beetles have developed a deadly defence mechanism - a sharp spray of boiling acid from the rear
[full video, BBC Earth: buff.ly/3pHfc74]
To maintain this hunting posture, the a kestrel flies into, and at the same speed as, the oncoming wind – the current of air passing over its wings provides the lift it needs [read more: buff.ly/3nzRry5-] [source: buff.ly/3k6esHp-]
explainpaper.com allows you to upload any academic paper, highlight a text which results confusing to you and get a clear explanation. Bonus: you can ask follow up questions if you need a more in-depth answer
These are drops of blood, plasma and water bead up when placed on the superhemophobic titanium
[source, Colorado State University: buff.ly/2DEJSSp]
The complete human nervous system dissection
In 19th-century Philadelphia, an anatomist dissected and mounted this human nervous system. Now researchers are trying to figure out whose remains are stretched out in a glass case
[source, read more: buff.ly/3bYUB8B]
Sodium polyacrylate is a sodium salt of polyacrylic acid with formula [−CH₂−CH(CO₂Na)−]ₙ widely used in consumer products. This superabsorbent polymer has the ability to absorb 100 to 1000 times its mass in water
[📹 YT Hacker007]
When researchers found this kind of mysterious underwater 'crop circles', they did not know the cause. Then, they proved to be amazing artwork made by pufferfish to attract and win a mate
[video, HD: bit.ly/2p5JBLk]
Ippitsuryu is an ancient Japanese tradition of creating the flowing, river-like body of the dragon in just a single stroke. Artist Keisuke Teshima shows here the mesmerizing balance required by this technique
[full video: buff.ly/34WUHNe]
This video is a demonstration that the horizontal component of velocity in a projectile motion remains constant
[full video: buff.ly/2R7VbED]
[explanation: buff.ly/3jrruRJ]
Photographer Cassie Jensen captured this close encounter with a humpback whale in 2019.
[why whales (especially humpback whales) do breach: buff.ly/2AgRjwu]
[source: buff.ly/3oB0pLW]
[author's site: cassiejensenphotography.com]
The Gablok concept is a series of insulated blocks, a customized floor system as well as insulated beams and lintels that will allow to build the exterior and interior walls of a wooden house
[read more: gablok.be/en/]
The strawberry is not, from a botanical point of view, a berry. Each apparent "seed" (achene) on the outside of the fruit is actually one of the ovaries of the flower, with a seed inside it.
[📹 microworldexplorer: buff.ly/3hwG7CG]
This is still one of the most impressive time lapse videos of a SpaceX Falcon 9 first-stage landing: this happened after the rocket boosted the THAICOM-8 satellite into space on May 30, 2016 [video is sped up, source: bit.ly/1qQNIem]
Of the different species of armadillos, only the South American three-banded armadillos heavily rely on their armour for protection. When threatened by a predator, Tolypeutes species frequently roll up into a ball
[read more: buff.ly/2lvfYUc]
This is an active ball joint mechanism enhanced by interactions of spherical gears with three rotational degrees of freedom without slippage. A concept with a potential for many applications in robotics & mechanics
[full paper: buff.ly/3AARcIY]