In case Mercator projections have ruined your perception of continents' scales, this is the true size of Africa
[source, read more: buff.ly/2ka1WGz]
[hi-res: buff.ly/34kE0uP]
Meet MorpHex MKIII, the transforming robot [source, full video: buff.ly/2Loh0gC]
How materials engineer and Gjenge Makers founder Nzambi Matee is transforming plastic waste into bricks that are lighter and five to seven times stronger than concrete [video: buff.ly/3cZyyj3]
Splitting a raw boulder found in Queensland can uncover marvel like this opal's colors
[full video: buff.ly/2RRSevS]
[more about Queensland Opal mining fields: buff.ly/2RPRirZ]
Static grass applicators use relatively high voltage (40,000 V) to apply and recreate realistic grass in diorama and model railroads
[video example: buff.ly/3Co72XL]
[📹 Model Railroad Hobbyist]
Waves reflecting underwater produce a caustic network: the envelope of light rays reflected or refracted by the sea surface, or the projection of that envelope of rays on the sea floor [read more: bit.ly/2CiZupq] [clip by Nolan Omura]
How's you anxiety?
A scenic spot in Chongqing, China has built this cliff-side 'super swing' which stands 30 storeys tall and faces a 2,300ft drop
[read more: buff.ly/3fgC3EY]
Water waves motion is a combination of both longitudinal & transverse motions. As a wave moves through water, the particles travel in clockwise circles. The radius of the circles decreases as the depth into the water increases [source, gif by Dan Russell: buff.ly/3buXf5N]
Elephants rarely get cancer because they have extra copies of two cancer-fighting genes, P53, which hunts for cells with miscopied DNA, and LIF6, which obliterates the mutated cells before they can form a tumor ow.ly/otuL50AoRZP [full paper: ow.ly/Wqqh50AoRZR]
74 years ago #Today, the transistor was first demonstrated by Walter H. Brattain and John Bardeen to their higher-ups at Bell Laboratories. It has since become the most widely manufactured device in history bit.ly/2kNRLs3 #HappyBirthdayTransistor
These photos captured by nature photographer Alan Murphy show just how camouflage works. A Canadian great gray owl sits perched atop a tree branch, seemingly melting into the background of spruce and pine trees [source: buff.ly/3DvwcmF] [author: alanmurphyphotography.com]
Do you know the names of some of the brightest stars? Featured here in true color are the 25 brightest stars in the night sky, currently as seen by humans, coupled with their IAU-recognized names
[Tragoolchitr Jittasaiyapan: buff.ly/3YryGgJ]
Over the last 200 years, Earth's magnetic field, which is vital to life on our planet, has lost around 9% of its strength on a global average. A large region of reduced magnetic intensity has developed between Africa and South America [full story: buff.ly/2LP4jwo]
Kitchen countertops like Invisacook have induction hobs that can be positioned just under the countertop, heating the pans through the surface invisacook.com [read more about induction cooking: buff.ly/3nzisAw]
Mexico City is a huge metropolis with a population of about 21.3 million people: seen from above in the photos by Pablo Lopez Luz, it may give you the impression of being a big tide of people and buildings [source, read more: buff.ly/2rdNUYq]
Tree shaping (also known by several other alternative names) uses living trees and other woody plants as the medium to create structures and art. Some of these creations are definitely stunning
[read more: buff.ly/2FxhzQP]
[📷 Peter Cook: pooktre.com]
A standing wave generated at the Numerical Test Tank at the University of São Paulo, Brazil
[Source, Reddit user u/caiocgrweb: buff.ly/3M1xee2]
The AquaDom in Berlin, Germany, is a 25 m (82 ft) tall cylindrical acrylic glass aquarium with built-in transparent elevator. It is located inside the Radisson Blu Hotel in the DomAquarée complex and it contains over 1,500 fish of 50 species [read more: buff.ly/2OK38mQ]
This technique to fold shirts in few seconds seems to find a secret topology hidden inside clothes
[source: buff.ly/3iR7pDL]
The human brain contains approximately 100 billion microscopic cells called neurons - about the same as the number of stars in the Milky Way galaxy. This is how they communicate
[source, Helix Animations: buff.ly/3htOiPC]
#Today in 1843, the theory of quaternions was born when a sudden thought came to William Rowan Hamilton as he was walking with his wife along the Royal Canal in Dublin, Ireland. It was the fundamental formula:
i² = j² = k² = ikj = -1
[read more: buff.ly/3pndnxN]
Breviceps spend most of the year underground; even when on the surface, they are inconspicuous because of their slow movements and cryptic colouration. They walk rather than hop and are able to burrow rapidly, backwards, into the soil by using their feet bit.ly/2hoHTn5
This composite was taken by photographer Bill Church over the course of 12 minutes: 35 photos imaging a storm approaching in Utah [author's Flickr: buff.ly/2PgO0gW]
A rigorously geometric method to obtain some billiard shots.
[WMNTQJX (Douyin): buff.ly/3GRL8Qw]