You can hear the words Green Needle or Brainstorm based on which one you think about. This is an auditory illusion, or a false perception of a real sound
[explanation: buff.ly/3ItCQfg]
[source, DosmRider: buff.ly/3tHXzaW]
A Petoskey stone is a rock and a fossil, often pebble-shaped, that is composed of a fossilized rugose coral, Hexagonaria percarinata. Such stones were formed as a result of glaciation, in which sheets of ice plucked stones from the bedrock
[read more: buff.ly/2tXbhGo]
Few lines are enough to see Jack Torrance. It's called stationary slit vision.
[read more, by @AkiyoshiKitaoka: buff.ly/343VxYb]
Peristeria elata, also known as Holy Ghost orchid or dove orchid, has some curious properties: the central part of the flower has a well-defined dove shape and its perfume is similar to beer
[read more: buff.ly/2z4SDCd]
Hura crepitans is also known as sandbox tree or dynamite tree. It's covered in spikes, it has a caustic, poisonous sap used by fishermen to poison fish and has explosive fruits whose seeds can be launched at 70 meters per second (252 km/h) [read more: ow.ly/EICl30nI4Nx]
Steve Hathaway & Andrew Buttle were diving off the coast of Whakaari, the stratovolcano on White Island, New Zealand in 2018, when they met a huge pyrosome, a free-floating colonial tunicate that can reach up to 18 m [full video: buff.ly/3c9vC1N-]
This is the Graffito of Esmet-Akhom, the last known inscription written in Egyptian hieroglyphs, dated to 394 CE, essentially marking the end of a 3400 year-old civilization, talking about a period when the Roman Empire was close to an end too [read more: ow.ly/XivD30nglEq]
Solar energy is renewable. We will have a steady, limitless supply of sunlight for another 5 billion years. In one hour, the Earth’s atmosphere receives enough sunlight to power the electricity needs of every human being on Earth for a year
[read more: buff.ly/2ZwjRfb]
While conceived later, this peculiar robot bar also wanted to celebrate the future and in particular the space race. It was designed by Fratelli Borghesani Mobili in direct correlation to the Apollo 11 lunar landing in 1969
[buff.ly/3rRd8KX, buff.ly/34bqWHH]
The coast around Benagil, Portugal, is made up of Miocene limestone sitting on much older rocks created in the Mesozoic: over time, the limestone built up, with the layers that make up the Benagil Sea Cave forming about 20 million years ago
[read more: buff.ly/2kdzkMT]
It's always difficult to answer what is the best focal length for a portrait. But the popular gif by @danvojtech offers a smart preview of how different focal lengths can change the look of a face
[source, read more: buff.ly/327dIoJ]
The Nazis branded Einstein's theory of relativity to be "Jewish physics" in the book "One Hundred Authors Against Einstein". When asked how he could win an argument against so many people Einstein replied that one fact was more powerful than 100 scientists ow.ly/uBpB50ApQDT
Why does fire burn? What's the chemistry and physics of a flame? Learn about the beautiful science happening inside a flame. Among the other things, this video shows how a flame is actually hollow
[full video, Be Smart: buff.ly/2q7am44]
In 1972 the Polaroid Corporation commissioned the Eames Office to produce a film introducing the new and revolutionary SX-70 instant-photography camera developed by Edwin Land
[full video: buff.ly/3vMVVEY]
This is what you obtain if you take a long exposure photo of bugs under a streetlamp
[source, by Charlie McCarthy: ow.ly/Lok330nAtJU]
These are Brown Marmorated Stink Bug nymphs seen hatching at extreme close up, captured by YT macro-photography channel Another Perspective
[full video: buff.ly/3ueKIJL]
Jellyfish blooms take place naturally as a result of ocean and wind patterns, ecosystem shifts, and jellyfish behaviors.
This one of Crambione mastigophora was captured by Alimar Amor in El Nido, Philippines in March 2020.
[📹 buff.ly/3B7iUfP]
The Kauaʻi ʻōʻō was a bird common in the subtropical forests of Hawaii until the early twentieth century, when its decline began. This is its last song that was last heard in 1987: it is now probably extinct
[full video by Robert Davis: buff.ly/2KtVcPG]
The story of how in 2020 & for the first time ever, archaeologists used ground-penetrating radar to map an entire city while still beneath the ground. A map of Falerii Novi, an ancient Roman city, was compiled with data taken from ground-penetrating radar: buff.ly/2UFostV
43 years ago #Today, Douglas Adams' The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy was first published bit.ly/1TEAbkH
Media artist and developer Roelof Knol created this interactive projection mapping installation drawing Voronoi cells with a pendulum ball
[source, more videos: buff.ly/3QC1Tk5]
Not only is this duckling adorable, but the photograph wonderfully illustrates the waterproof abilities of ducks. A special gland called the uropygial gland produces an oil that the ducks spread over their bodies to make their feathers water-repellent buff.ly/2Klx3ei
Japan uses sprinklers that spray warm underground water to melt the snow on the roads. They can also be used as mist-generatng systems to mitigate particulate matter especially PM 2.5–10
[source, read more: buff.ly/3Pg3KvL]
The Sleeping Hermaphroditus is an ancient marble sculpture depicting Hermaphroditus life size sculpted in 1620. The most striking detail is that the mattress and the pillow, made by Italian artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini, are made of marble too [read more: buff.ly/2IycQAc]
This green heron learned to fish with a piece of bread as a bait
[read more: bit.ly/2uQrH3h]
[full video: buff.ly/32t5lFC]