European starlings are exceptional mimics, including human speech. Their ability at mimicry is so great that strangers have looked in vain for the human they think they have just heard speak buff.ly/37Mny47 Stella the starling is an example: buff.ly/2ATavSg
Watch a spy robot cobra meeting the real meerkat mob and being quickly dispatched with a show of unified force [full video: buff.ly/2ltD5Sm]
This is the stream table used at BYU's Department of Geological Sciences to model rivers and teach/research water dynamics and river conservation principles [full video by Cougar Cosmos: buff.ly/3DsRMYM] [Little River Research & Design: emriver.com]
We can see the shape of the invisible magnetic fields on the Sun because they guide the motion of the plasma – the loops and towers of material in the corona glow brightly in EUV images. This is a model that visualizes them [video, NASA: buff.ly/3DA5skA]
The Sleeping Hermaphroditus is an ancient marble sculpture depicting Hermaphroditus life size sculpted in 1620. The most striking detail is that the mattress and the pillow, made by Italian artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini, are made of marble too [read more: buff.ly/2IycQAc]
A zombie bug.
While it's not alive, it's not dead either. A large number of mind controlling fungi leads insects to assume the strangest behaviors in order to spread their spores and infect more insects to survive.
[read more: buff.ly/3Azbt26]
[📹 Ryan Andrews]
Scotoplanes, alos known as sea pigs, live on deep ocean bottoms typically at depths of over 1,200–5,000 meters
[read more: buff.ly/3wWM3sT]
[📹: buff.ly/3RzzZFR]
The Equals sign was invented in 1557 by Welsh mathematician Robert Recorde. He only invented it to avoid the tedious repetition of the phrase "Is equals to". It was not immediately popular: the symbols || or æ/œ were widely used into the 1700s [read more: buff.ly/2ma2xMY]
Flatworms have a peculiar characteristic: when sliced in pieces, each piece will grow into a complete flatworm, just like the original one
[source, read more: buff.ly/3wVFCX2]
This video is an interesting collection of fungi time-lapses showing their growth.
[source, SRodrigo777: buff.ly/3qb7D9j]
Wood planing is the art of shaving wood into very thin strips: a select group of experts in Japan compete to shave off the thinnest piece of wood possible. This video by xtol.ren shows how it's done
[source: buff.ly/3eoSUVJ]
Very effective anamorphic floor art
[📹 source: buff.ly/3wVcz65]
Perceiving age, health, sex, and beauty in a face is matter of details you never considered [read more: bit.ly/2wpzioy]
The story of how Marie Curie invented a mobile X-ray machine for usage on the front line during WWI and and trained 150 women to operate it [read more: ow.ly/1sKK30ngyLV]
When permafrost melts in Siberia, it releases large amounts of methane which can blow holes like this one in the tundra [source, read more: buff.ly/2qkbhz7]
Among its other peculiarities (it's the third-tallest and second-heaviest living bird), the cassowary, during its breeding season, lays bright green or pale green-blue eggs [read more: buff.ly/2BrTwWV]
This 20 second time-lapse by Cristian Aguirre captures 10 hours of Villarrica volcano activity in a remarkable transition of lights, clouds, lava and stars. Bonus: volcano's lights beaming into the night sky [source, IG account: buff.ly/3kDNs1x]
It’s the colouration that makes the painted bat (Kerivoula picta) remarkable. Its body is covered in downy orange fur, while its wings are striped in highly-contrasting black and orange; a strikingly beautiful combination [source, full video, read more: buff.ly/3FlsaNT]
One evening, while walking along the riverbed of the Myakka River State Park in Sarasota, Florida, photographer Larry Lynch came across a group of alligators. This is the result of setting his flash on the lowest setting to give just a tiny bit of light lynchphotos.com
These photos captured by nature photographer Alan Murphy show just how camouflage works. A Canadian great gray owl sits perched atop a tree branch, seemingly melting into the background of spruce and pine trees [source: buff.ly/3DvwcmF] [author: alanmurphyphotography.com]
This Australian Giant Cuttlefish filmed by William Gladstone (@DrBillGladstone) changed its colour from mottled brown to deep red in the first clip in about 1/3 second [source, IG account + read more: ow.ly/3iQy50GP5oi]
One grain by itself is a solid, but many grains together can behave like a solid, a liquid or even a gas. The Avalanche Disk at Chicago Museum of Science and Industry, provides a window for watching granules flow, shear, mix, separate and freeze ow.ly/q8tf30ncQFQ
The Super Zoom is a 2019 computer-generated animation by Pedro Machado that shows how everything in the universe is made of minuscule foundational elements
[full video: vimeo.com/355005914]
Dino-A-Live is an animatronics exhibition that lets visitors feel like they’ve met a real, living dinosaur. Dino-A-Live shows are most commonly held in Fukui Prefecture and use state-of-the-art animatronics buff.ly/3qfTzeA