Researchers from Samsung Labs have developed a way to create high-resolution avatars, or deepfakes, from a single still frame photo or even a painting. Called MegaPortraits, they can create megapixel-sized avatars from simple single-frame starting points: buff.ly/3oo36iW
Dolphins enjoy surfing ocean waves and it's very likely they have been doing this for millions of years. No suprise if they kindly ask you to get out of the way
[read more: ow.ly/llJU30nrOki]
[📹 Lucas Englert: buff.ly/3fge4pt]
Watch carefully: you'll see the accelerometer in the back of the cabin register zero g when the plane goes in free fall
[📹 zbestwun2001: buff.ly/3dARyHh]
[NOTE: No animals were hurt in the making of this video]
This see-through sea cucumber is so transparent that you can even see its digestive tract winding through its body. It has been spotted at a depth of 3,175 meters (2 miles) near the base of submarine volcano in Indonesian waters buff.ly/3C558w2
This is not a real animal (pheew!) but the video shows how they made the little bugs in Guillermo Del Toro's 'Pacific Rim' (2013). If you assumed most of the bugs were CGI, you will be impressed by the reality level of these mechanical toys [source: ow.ly/rK1t30nrEjE]
Presented at CES 2022, Engineered Arts’ Ameca humanoid robot has been designed as a platform for development into future robotics technologies with a modular architecture, which allows upgrades without redesigning the entire robot: buff.ly/3ojvm7i
Great black-backed gulls are opportunistic feeders and apex predators: they will readily eat almost anything that they can swallow. This video by @irenemendezcruz shows one swallowing an entire rabbit [read more: buff.ly/3ps1oNA]
To reveal the folding mechanism of a ladybug's wings, researchers constructed a transparent artificial elytron from ultraviolet light-cured resin: this method revealed the detailed wing-folding mechanism occurring under the elytra [full paper and video: buff.ly/2OGQWkt]
Graphical concept of the definition of sine and cosine
[read more: ow.ly/d0vF30nrQay]
[source, Awesomath: ow.ly/WLGP30nrQb5]
The numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus) is an insectivorous marsupial once widespread across southern Australia, now restricted to several small colonies in Western Australia and considered an endangered species
[read more: buff.ly/3It8ZV0]
PD6B-AW-ARM is a large-format drone equipped with two internally-developed robotic arms, enabling it to directly accomplish a variety of tasks
[source, full video: buff.ly/2KdIXa5]
After chasing a severe storm across the Kansas plains for several hours, photographer Mitch Dobrowner was rewarded with this shot of upside-down clouds growing down and cascading across the sky [source, read more: buff.ly/2cOsWHF]
This observation platform on the 94th floor at the John Hancock Center in Chicago moves people forward to a 33° angle for a bird's eye view of the city 300 m below
[read more: buff.ly/2q1esvU]
When does the line between day and night become vertical? #Today, September 23 at 01.03 UTC, there was an equinox on planet Earth
[read more: bit.ly/3xPFGYT]
[watching solstices and equinoxes from space: buff.ly/1Qe1hk7]
A brilliant Star Wars Trench run kinetic LEGO sculpture
[full video by JK Brickworks: buff.ly/2jfmjlv]
Citizen scientist, professional mathematician and software developer Gerald Eichstädt used data from Juno spacecraft to plot a 3D elevation landscape of Jupiter, revealing delicately textured swirls and peaks that resemble the frosting on top of a cupcake buff.ly/3BZmUAW
If the taste of kale makes you screw up your face, you are not alone: researchers have observed foetuses pull a crying expression when exposed to the greens in the womb: twice as likely for kale than carrot [read more: buff.ly/3qVPFIq]
In order to ensure sufficient oxygen within their burrow, prairie dogs use the Bernoulli’s principle. One of the entrances is built with a raised mound of dirt, while the other is not. This determines different wind velocities and different pressures: buff.ly/3BCbtO5
Because they eat in sea water, marine iguanas “sneeze out” excess salt their body collects while underwater through a nasal gland
[read more: buff.ly/3DkGe97]
[📹 Shelton Dupreez: buff.ly/3G91XTj]
When a group of army ants are separated from the main foraging party, they lose the pheromone track and begin to follow one another: as a result, they might eventually die of exhaustion
[read more: buff.ly/2UMMnFY]
[📹 @biolocousb]
Photographer David Canales captured this outstanding photograph while kayaking on Alaska’s Prince William Sound. A seagull attacking an eagle that has another seagull in its grasp [source, read more: buff.ly/2FoUGyQ]
This famous image made by artist István Orosz features a scene from the classic science fantasy novel The Mysterious Island. When a mirrored cylinder is placed on the Moon, it reveals by anamorphosis a portrait of the novel’s writer, Jules Verne [source: buff.ly/319f9VP]
In structural geology, a fold is a stack of originally planar surfaces, such as sedimentary strata, that have been bent or curved during a permanent deformation. The lower Ugab River valley of Namibia is an impressive example of such a process [read more: buff.ly/3f5Nugr]
An impossible water circuit analogy of electrical physics [source: buff.ly/3loIshw]