The Gablok concept is a series of insulated blocks, a customized floor system as well as insulated beams and lintels that will allow to build the exterior and interior walls of a wooden house
[read more: gablok.be/en/]
Tigers have striped skin not just striped fur. The stripes are like fingerprints and no two tigers have the same pattern. A tiger's stripes help to break up the outline of its body and make it hard to see [read more: buff.ly/3h0yfmN]
Genetics for (g)ummies
[source, Jacinta Bowler: buff.ly/3e0mDVa]
This very popular photo captured by Timothy C. Roth from Task Force Turtle portrays a snapping turtle that emerged after hibernation carrying the "earth" on its back [read more, full story: buff.ly/3IFhlJ5]
Nara Park, Japan is home to over 1200 wild sika deer. This clipcaptured by Kazuki Ikeda in March 2020 shows some of them relaxing by cherry blossom trees when the park was closed to tourists due to the pandemic [source, read more: buff.ly/3czFK4L, buff.ly/3m3luf3]
The importance of dams and civil engineering in the management of geological risks. Simple mountain spillways can be a very effective measure in reducing the impact of torrential floods [source and full video: buff.ly/35McK4p]
Capybaras are semiaquatic mammals and are superb swimmers, capable of holding their breath underwater for up to 5 minutes at a time. This clip by Fernando Maydana shows a capybara like you've probably never seen before buff.ly/3j5Q4Tg [full video: buff.ly/38WgceS]
This scale model shows how mangrove forests protect the coast. Mangrove forests are an essential component of the coastal defense systems in many places in Vietnam. This simple model makes it very easy to understand [paper: buff.ly/2KFID40] [gif: buff.ly/2VUWr0J]
Bats and dolphins evolved echolocation in the same way (down to the molecular level). An analysis revealed that 200 genes had independently changed in the same way and this is an extreme example of convergent evolution [read more: ow.ly/xkfk30nysHa]
The Balamand University in the northern district of El-Koura, Lebanon, has a set of stairs painted as the spines of books [more photos: buff.ly/30bOZop]
These are the movements of bird populations spanning the entire year for 118 species throughout the Western Hemisphere [source: buff.ly/2pcAn0a]
A breathing Earth: the annual pulse of vegetation, land and ice in a populat gif by illustrator and data visualizer John Nelson [source, read more: buff.ly/3IttyjY]
This is what WW I trenches look like today. This is a report of how nature claimed back warfare structures and what is the new geology of Europe where the war was fought [source, read more: buff.ly/2kx3R8m]
Cosmic Eye is a short movie designed by astrophysicist Danail Obreschkow. The movie zooms through all well-known scales of the universe from minuscule elementary particles out to the gigantic cosmic web
[full video: buff.ly/3en2xjM-]
Most female cheetahs spend their lives without raising a single cub to maturity. The species is dependent on "supermoms", particularly adept at raising cubs. One supermom, Eleanor, has mothered at least 10% of all adult cheetahs in the southern Serengeti ow.ly/lVQp30nxEvw
Gears, couplings, and drives - all made with LEGO
[source, Brick Experiment Channel, full video: buff.ly/3fCMe77]
The Impulse Fire Extinguishing System (abbreviated IFEX) is a series of firefighting equipment that uses small amounts of water fired in high velocity bursts to put out fires
[read more: buff.ly/2FMauvZ]
[source, OSP Krasiejów: buff.ly/2jz1sd3]
The wolf is the largest member of the Canidae family. On average, adult wolves measure 105–160 cm in length and 80–85 cm at shoulder height, but weight and size increase proportionally with latitude. Half wolves can sometimes be even larger [source: buff.ly/31LRRcl]
This floating bridge built in the Shiziguan area of the Hubei Province, China is 500 m long and 4.5 m wide. It was built over a winding river whose maximum water depth is ~60 m
[read more: buff.ly/3dHD5FT]
[source: buff.ly/3yeWNCi]
Believe it or not, approximately 1/3 of all tracked space debris orbiting Earth comes from just two distinct events: China's anti-satellite test in 2007, and the collision between a defunct Soviet satellite with an operating U.S. spacecraft in 2009 ow.ly/Gazd50wO1rZ
The 12-Faced Holoscope is a type of kaleidoscope based on truncated Platonic solids by artist Gary Allison. Through the symmetry of the reflections, these triangles appear as an infinite array of tetrahedrons [source, read more: buff.ly/2MUvhmo]
Playing with the Coriolis force. This movie of a ball rolling across the surface of a rotating merry-go-round is a helpful demonstration of the Coriolis force
[source, read more: buff.ly/2KzBXV5]
It's called the Ames Room, and it was invented by American ophthalmologist Adelbert Ames, Jr. in 1946 to screw with your brain
[read more: buff.ly/2qcbbZM]
[📹 La casa De La Ciencia, Seville: buff.ly/2ydLpMo]
A 196-day time lapse of an oak tree sprouting from an acorn
[full video, HD, Box Lapse: buff.ly/3xDgwMn]
How you make a spray-on dress.
The spray used by Coperni for Bella Hadid's dress, is made up of Torres' Fabrican liquid that contains fibers suspended in a polymer solution, evaporating upon contact with the body
[read more: buff.ly/3E7zrn8]