The importance of dams and civil engineering in the management of geological risks. Simple mountain spillways can be a very effective measure in reducing the impact of torrential floods [source and full video: buff.ly/35McK4p]
The story of Emile Leray, the man who survived the desert by building a motorcycle from his broken car. When his Citroen 2-CV broke down in the Sahara in 1993 he tore the car apart and built a motorcycle from the parts to escape dying from the elements: buff.ly/3Xflhrs
Dino-A-Live is an animatronics exhibition that lets visitors feel like they’ve met a real, living dinosaur. Dino-A-Live shows are most commonly held in Fukui Prefecture and use state-of-the-art animatronics buff.ly/3qfTzeA
Phalera assimilis is a moth featuring an impressive natural camouflage which allows it to perfectly mimic small twigs in order to avoid predators
[video: buff.ly/3UolINe]
[read more: buff.ly/3B2vj5L]
This rotating circles tricks you into believing the shaped are 3D, but they're not
[location, Marwell Zoo, Winchester, UK]
[source: Jessie Younghusband School]
Spinning a gyroscope & putting it in its own box is an always surprising trick, but also useful to visualize the conservation of angular momentum. The box rotates in the opposite direction vs the disk's one
[📹 IncredibleScience: buff.ly/3PNXz28]
YouTuber and electrical engineer Malt Whiskey created this cube light display using 4,096 LEDs, an Arduino computer board and an LCD touchscreen [read more + videos: buff.ly/3daeMjX-]
This bizarre clip from the British Movietone archive is from 1940 and shows an invention supposed to keep babies quiet. It was also promoted as developing the leg muscles making every child a potential soccer international [source: buff.ly/3p9NNf7]
Bright idea for a staircase [photo credits: Nils Eisfeld, buff.ly/2KtMG3y]
The lowland nyala or simply nyala, is a spiral-horned antelope native to southern Africa. As a herbivore, the nyala feeds upon foliage, fruits and grasses, with sufficient fresh water. A shy animal, it prefers water holes rather than open spaces buff.ly/347t7ZH
This is a newfound species of tardigrade, one of about 1,300 known types of water bears. It was discovered in moss growing on dead tree trunks in Germany’s Black Forest. SEM image, magnified 2,400 times.
[📷 Oliver Meckes & Nicole Ottowa: buff.ly/3YTxuCQ]
Pyrex & vegetable oil both have refractive indexes of 1.47 & air is at ~1.00. If we combine substances with different refractive indexes, we can see some interesting effects, like a pyrex beaker suddenly disappearing
[read more: buff.ly/3742moi]
According to recent researches, the world's deadliest animals for humankind are mosquitoes, preceding another deadliest class of animals, human themselves [read more: ow.ly/EcaU30ncY26]
This is when the US Navy launched trucks (actually weighted sleds) off the USS Gerald Ford aircraft carrier to test its jet catapult system
[source, full story: ow.ly/wDt150l2gMf]
Alligators are notorious for their thick skin and well-armored bodies, yet their sense of touch is one of the most acute in the animal kingdom.
Coconut is a living example.
[📹 buff.ly/3KnSBpX]
[read more: buff.ly/3dZ1J8C]
Wunderpus photogenicus was discovered in the 1980s & only officially described in detail in 2006. This one strolling among garden eels, appears to compose a sci-fi movie scene
[read more: buff.ly/3xEMAih-]
[📽️ Gail Kukula: buff.ly/3lpgRwJ-]
This dramatic time-lapse movie by the Hubble space telescope shows Uranus, its moons and the seasonal changes on the planet
[source: buff.ly/3gQIoVl]
This optical illusion gallery lets you directly test several optical effects. Learn more about each one of them.
[first: buff.ly/36VCUqO]
[second: buff.ly/3EURNWW]
[third: buff.ly/3voMY4V]
[fourth: buff.ly/2FymaTO]
Despite their extremely futuristic appearance, skeletonics extend the movement of a humans arms and legs without the aid of any motor and it's not powered by electricity
[read more: skeletonics-us.com]
A recent study shows that mushrooms can actively change the temperature surrounding their gills, which creates air currents that ultimately lift spores several centimeters into the air, where they can hitch a ride on stronger winds [full paper, video: buff.ly/3cQ9eu8]
How player ChrisDaCow created a universe inside Minecraft with a black hole, galaxies, and pillars of creation included
[full video: buff.ly/3MhbQ5B]
In this beautiful close up by gemstone hobbyist Jeff Schultz, we see a stunning Mexican fire opal. When illuminated just right, it looks like a sunset above the clouds [source, read more: buff.ly/2pqGccO]
«Behind the Curve» is a 2018 documentary about the global community of people who believe that the Earth is flat. This is when flat-earther Jeran Campanella devises a simple experiment and accidentally proves the Earth is round: buff.ly/3C76K94
The idea that you can convert your dog's age to human years by multiplying by 7 is a total myth. Now researchers have developed a formula based on changes to DNA over time: multiply the natural logarithm of your dog's age in years by 16, then add 31 buff.ly/35fZJii