#TGCF 我来了🤤
#mdzs #魔道祖师 #江澄 吾妻娇俏,晚晚吟之😌 Wanyin Waifu 😌
#tgcf #天官赐福 #HuaLian #花怜 #mermay2021 救赎(又名:我们殿下看上你了要捞你回去做压寨夫人) Salvation (aka. DianXia’s Latest Big Catch) 大致是人鱼怜🧜‍♂️x海盗花🏴‍☠️ Mer Lian x Pirate Hua 好久没好好画画,还需努力。。不过算是赶上了!
#tgcf #beefleaf #天官赐福 #双玄 忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开。 As if the vernal breeze had come back overnight, adorning thousands of pear trees with blossoms white.
#人渣反派自救系统 #冰九 #svsss #bingjiu 又是文!lofter合昏饮罢太太的以身饲魔,我最爱的原著向冰九文之一。链接在评论! Fan art for one of my favorite BingJiu fix-it fics
#天官赐福 #tgcf #谢怜0715生日快乐 #花城0610生日快乐 先自少年心意,为惜殢人娇态,久俟愿成双。 但愿千秋岁里,结取万年欢会,恩爱应天长。 与君山到皇极观,送怜一个花,送花一个怜。三次遇见,三生不离。祝大宝贝们生生世世! Happy birthdays my babies!
#人渣反派自救系统 #冰秋 #冰九 #svsss #bingqiu #bingjiu ※OOC雷图 冰妹:。。您是我亲哥!!! 冰哥:冰儿乖,哥看好你。 阿垣:九哥他们在说什么? 九妹:。。垣儿你离他们远点,越远越好。 好想看四人家庭喜剧😭双双子也是极好的 Double-twins family romcom anyone?
#人渣反派自救系统 #svsss 我来了!第一次画动画冰!光影好难!第二季快出! My humble offering to the season 2 summon circle! And first time drawing Donghua Bing too. Lighting so hard! twitter.com/kelincikanibal…
#钟公 #离达 #鍾タル #ZhongChi My humble entry fee to the zhongchi fandom - 1 serving of my signature implied-ship-suggestive-single-character fanart 交个入坑费—我流隐藏cp单人软瑟琴🥺 Full: poipiku.com/1934502/506167…
🔞 #离达 #鍾タル #ZhongChi 失控。 When you both lose control. poipiku.com/1934502/515973…
#枭羽 #luckae #ディルガイ My contribution to Kae-in-Eula-outfit. I certainly did NOT notice how 👌👌👌 Eula’s design was until I drew it.. 凯子穿尤拉衣服~没画不知道 尤拉衣服真的太🐍了。。
#人渣反派自救系统 #svsss 迟到没缺席—师尊尊生日快乐!难得又画了动画,希望动画里两位早日终成眷属! Happy belated birthday to our beloved Shizun! I don’t usually draw their Donghua variation but consider this my wish for them in Donghua to hurry up and get together already..!
#原神 #GenshinImapct #重云 #Chongyun Chillin’ backstage 🧊 后台降温 I have a hard time posting fresh art but anything for my boy HAVE YOU SEEN HIS LIVE
#离达 #鍾タル #ZhongChi Another special update because of the anni stream.. I died at this scene. 又一个特供更新。。这一幕笑死我了
#追凌 #ZhuiLing Overdue gift for @nasykuching . I hope you enjoy 🥰
#离达 #鍾タル #ZhongChi Devour me (aka every single spar) 战利品 (又名:次次打到床上去) Self indulgent OOC brainrot I have no excuses.
@artimund It’s time for this meme
#原神 #GenshinImpact #childe #thoma O RNG gods please accept this humble offering. Bless me with luck throughout 2.2 banners! 💬🔁♥️appreciated - let us collectively manifest! I’ll be updating my pull progress in this thread throughout the patch. Good luck to all us wanters!
Here’s the full image in 1 piece! They’re twins you can’t convince me otherwise.
#itthoma #thomaitto (?) Dog training. 训狗。 The dom thoma sub itto AU content nobody asked for 😳 One must cope with Ayato drought after all. P.s: Would not mind if you interpret this as sub top itto either ehe
🙈 ※ 背后注意 mild NSFW “Well then, shall we… ‘me?’” Full: poipiku.com/1934502/547815… @psid99 and I did a selfcest collab of our favorite localized Childe. Neither of us are/speak 🇰🇷/🇯🇵. Please do not take offense 🙇 twitter.com/psid99/status/…