
@HackedOffHugh @hughbon Please make sure you wash your paws afterwards, Mr Buchanan, as otherwise you’ll end up in another rather sticky situation.
Duffle coat on or duffle coat off? Maybe I should keep it close at paw, just in case.
Mrs Bird says a problem shared is a problem halved. So I've made two cups of cocoa, put two sticky buns on a plate and I'm ready to listen. #Elevenses
It’s my summer birthday today. 🎂 #PaddingtonBirthday
The sky looks a little worried this morning so I think I’ll have my #elevenses inside, just in case, as I prefer sticky, rather than soggy, buns.
Being kind and polite won’t make every thing right. But it’s a good place to start.
Time for bed to get ready for the week ahead. What shall I dream about tonight?
Aunt Lucy taught me never to judge a book by its cover. There are many chapters and the one image on the front will never tell the whole story.
Mr Brown has bought a new tent for Jonathan, Judy and I to use in the garden. It’s a three person tent. It doesn’t mention bears.
If it wasn’t for Mrs Bird reminding me sometimes I think I’d forget what day of the week it was. Although Mr Brown doesn’t seem that bothered as he says he wants to forget the whole year. #hardstare
There’s an adventure to be enjoyed every day…it just depends on our expectations.
Cinnamon roll or a slice of lemon cake? Or both?
Duffle coat off. Sun hat on.
Mr Curry asked if I prefer to say the jar is half empty or half full? I never know because once I’ve eaten all the marmalade from one jar I just move onto the next. #BearProblems
I’m looking forward to having a blanket on my bed this evening as it’s a lot cooler.
I’ve found some photos in my scrapbook, from the year so far, which I’d like to share. #2020Challenge
I think that garden picnics in the rain are more fun than in the sunshine. We just need to make sure that the blanket is big enough to go under and over us.
Before I go to sleep tonight I’m going to write down all the good things that happened today.
I like long weekends because if Saturday or Sunday weren't as good as they could have been, then I have Monday to make up for it.
It's September tomorrow and Mrs Brown is wondering where the year has gone. Mr Brown is hoping she doesn’t want a reply.
I wonder what adventures I'll have this weekend. I'm looking forward to them.
What a weekend it has been.
For afternoon tea, do I have a slice of lemon drizzle cake or a scone with strawberry jam in it? Or both?
It's a little cooler today so I'm going to have a hot cocoa this afternoon.
I like to say 'good morning' to people I see on my walk, as I always get at least a smile in return. I think it's a nice way to start the day.