9GAG ❤️ Memeland(@9GAG)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

The first 3 things you see will come to you in 2022 🎊
always mask on 😊 ✍🏻 spaceboycantlol | IG
Best Jeanist ✍🏻 bloome_comics | IG
Anime in Ukiyo-e style🔥 ✍🏻 @Justin96636
Heterochromeowa #NationalDifferentColoredEyesDay 📸 satsukiqingshui | IG
incredible hack to separate egg yolk and white
What is your favorite #OlympicGames meme moment? #Tokyo2020
Happy birthday to @ChrisEvans 💙🎂
Tippy tappy am very happy 📹 chun_ch28 | IG
Me: *heals 10 times in a boss fight* Boss: *heals once* Me:
"I can't take this anymore" 📹 nico.jackson.zoey & chrisboudens | IG
My childhood was a lie twitter.com/archimeblog/st…
Dammit it's the sun again ✍🏻 bugcat_capoo | IG
What a great pawformance!🎤 📹 stylish_paws | IG
It's a trap! 📹 @PabloRochat
Five and a half years later 📸 inreallife12001
Above the clouds 📸 @ilhan1077_ 📍Karadeniz, Turkey
If dangerous then why friend-shaped🥺 📹 safariaitana | IG (Safari Aitana is a CITES-recognized wildlife sanctuary)
Unusual friendship between dog and cat
The most powerful tool ✍🏻 @NeedleWig
Tiny maltese looks like a doll
She’s born to be a good sister 💛 📹 gamjamypotato | IG
[🔊] You can love only me! 📹 dontstopmeowing | IG
There you go, have some chips
They say I can be anything, so I became everything. 📹 @kevinbparry