DEATH metal ✍🏻 deadthchan | IG
I wanna live there 😭
Me getting mad when I put my music on shuffle and it doesn’t play the song I want
meow pillow full of fluff
When you see someone who looks familiar so you stare at them but they stare back
muskmelon cake 😋
Play with me…NOW! 📹 dash_and_furrious | IG
Peace was never an option ✍🏻 @HotPaperComics
arguing on the internet be like
That annoying coworker: I can’t find you on Twitter Me who found them first and blocked them:
Practice still life painting with excruciatingly difficult objects
Look at this photo of my pet!
Dobby is free!
the day after tomorrow then ✍🏻 @MrLovenstein
way to flex during art class 📹picoworm | IG
When you drink beer to forget about your problems but then you remember beer is your problem
goldie got a cat
Name a horror movie that traumatized you as a kid
chicken stir fry 😋
Me binging sad movies and sad songs because I need external guidance to process my emotions
one press meow
"I am the one who knocks" ✍🏻 @IdiotOfTheEast
Me and my different personalities in different friend groups
[🔊] Start your engine