Pet me until I bite you ✍🏻 @seebangnow
Frappuccino is not coffee
Remember to stay hydrated during daytime
When baby Yoda meets baby Groot 📹 @mightyraccoon0
I'm single by choice ...others' choices.
Rice Ball the stray cat gets a hooman with one meow. @MeowedOfficial
[🔊] Cutest bork By hlee2433 | IG
When someone says they like my personality
The void must be petted.
Have you seen water droplet floating on water surface?…
Others: *find love, get married, have kids* My progress:
nom nom nom🥛
Winter wonderland❄️ 📹 its___chester | IG 📍 Hokkaido, Japan
Moving the books to the new library
When the liquor store cashier says "Enjoy your party!"
"Guys only want one thing and it's disgusting" #Loki #Mobius ✍🏻 @ajdesigns0220
When reality exceeds expectations…
It's sleep o'clock everypawdy 💤
Me when I’m forced to participate in team-building activities 📸 sweetbabyboysalem | IG
am happ
Which Spidey costume is your fav? 📹 @SamplerTimes 🎵 @silksonic
Initial D training
"How's your life going?" Me: 📹 shitboxdc5 | IG