smol bath
Sorry, force of habit😅 ✍🏻 @amirlopezcomics
They see me rollin' They hatin' 📹 panther445 | IG
Purrfect landing 🤠 By skinnyalbus | IG
Ear-resistible (1/2) 📸 wolfie.omamechan | IG
50 shades of sanitizer…
Nighty night👻 ✍🏻 @HannahHillam
best frens 📹 babybearyuki | IG
When I hear “I remember you said you liked this so I got you some"
Catto and doggo just wanna nuzzle.
Why I go to @IKEA
Me handing in my essay by the deadline after I started working on it last night at 3am
This means WAR
“Wow, you know so many countries. You must be traveling a lot?” Me:
How animals would cross the road if they were people 📹 @labelled4
You say she’s blind, I say she has sparkles in her eyes. 📹 星空眼萌萌
Cute fluffy cloud (1/2) 📸 | IG
Waiting for bread dough to rise…
[🔊] Catto needs snacko @MeowedOfficial
I need to start exercising like this!!
30-year-old me still sleeping with plushies 📹 @kono_in_orlando
The force is strong with this toothpick dispenser #MayThe4thBeWithYou
5-year-old me after finding out someone has the same favorite character
It's almost new year, time to clean!