Dogs will always love you more than Rose loved Jack 📹 zizotheportie | IG
Wash hair? Drink water? Why not both? 📹 matsumotoooooo | IG
More head pats please.
More space to cuddle💕 ✍🏻 @dino_comics
Work is a slice of your life. It's not the entire pizza. ✍🏻 davecontra | IG
When you open an app and it pauses your music
Wait, they're not plushies?
My acnes: *only come out to play when I need to hang out*
[🔊] Sharing is caring!!
My favorite hello and hardest goodbye ✍🏻 @MrLovenstein
Animals vs infinity rug
bamboozled u!⠀ 📹 annettelee | IG
Such a caring sweet girl 📹 rubydooby_do | IG
Scratch me well, hooman 📹 monmonmama0303 | IG
My name is Corgi Allen and I'm the fastest doggo alive💨
Dobby is free! ✍🏻 theycantalkcomics | IG
Friends come in all species and sizes
Catch flights, not feelings ✈️ 📸 louiethecream | IG
Me when my mom starts yelling the moment she comes back
When you tag your friend in a meme and they appreciate it
dodge a bullet
Dentist: Open your mouth. 8-year-old me:
[🔊] Sharing is caring!