@jeremy_herrell Land of the free, home of the brave! twitter.com/drizzling123/s…
Both parties should. This's about safety & security of everyone. If CCP can freely target individuals using DOJ, FBI, & SEC & no one stops it, they'll be emboldened by your complicity. ACT NOW!@Jim_Jordan @RepGallagher @RepJeffries @SpeakerMcCarthy @EliseStefanik #FreeMilesGuo twitter.com/RyanMattaMedia…
15 days before the arrest of Miles Guo, he said the following messages to all American patriots.
#decoupletheccp #SaveAmerica
This intel was shared by Miles Guo in 2022. Do the American people know that the CCP has been building military installations along the Belt & Road Initiative countries in South & Central America with the help of many American companies and individuals? Why were they not informed twitter.com/RyanMattaMedia…
A report from the Chinese Communist Party to Joseph Stalin dated July 4th, 1949, started with:
Dear Comrade Stalin at the Central Committee of the Communist Party, we respectfully submit the following report to you. 1. Current Situation in China... #TakeDownTheCCP #FreeMilesGuo twitter.com/S7gril/status/…
An asymmetric war! CCP creeps into every layer of American civil society & gathers data, steals technology, and targets businessmen, scientists, politicians, religious leaders, & ethnic group leaders while it bars you from collecting any information. #DecoupletheCCP twitter.com/kevinkfyam/sta…
我们都是郭文贵。我们要像七哥的这个方向努力:有能力,有勇气,无欲,无我,在看到人性丑陋一面 的时候,心中还能有爱有温暖。真战友,不会彷徨犹豫。 互勉!#Freemilesguo twitter.com/graniteofstone…
Intel shared by Miles Guo 6 months ago online, is validated by the Pentagon leaked document. #freemilesguo because America needs him to win this war against the CCP. twitter.com/SFQuantumVideo…
Almost 100% right. It is the CCP! Lenin’s international communist chapter, founded in 1921 in China, infiltrated the legitimate Kuomintang government & subvert it from within and stole CHINA in 1949. Now the CCP is using the same tactics to infiltrate & subvert America.
All roads lead to the Chinese Communist Party. Let us take down the CCP! #FreeMilesGuo
Steve Wynn, who was reportedly acting on behalf of the CCP to influence President Trump to deport CCP enemy No. 1 - Miles Guo, from the U.S., made the six-figure donation to Governor Youngkin on April 19th, 2023. #FreeMilesGuo Great job! @stockes76
If Aemricans want answers, this letter should be endorsed by every house representative & senator on Capitol Hill. If they don't support it, then people should ask them why they don't & if they have ties with the CCP that affects their representation of the people. #FreeMilesGuo twitter.com/committeeonccp…
You're half right. The biggest enemy is not China; it's the CCP, a local chapter established by Lenin's international communism in 1921. It stole China & killed hundreds of millions of Chinese people with the help of America. Time to eradicate communism with people united. twitter.com/RepMarkAlford/…
Many governments push for late retirement or eliminate retirement age limits. This is not a sign of more freedom for the deplorable but an absolute failure of us, the people. We believed the lies and watched a few enrich themselves at the expense of our future. @RyanMattaMedia
Shan's clients are pension funds from the US. He and CCP vacuum up your $. When you were planning for retirement, they took the principal & planned never to return it b/c you'll be killed by the virus/vaccine. If you find out the truth, the money becomes leverage. @RyanMattaMedia twitter.com/RyanMattaMedia…
Finally, 3 Million UNWARRANTED SEARCHES BY THE FBI! Miles Guo has warned the U.S. for years of the real danger posed by the CCP kleptocrats and the CCP's weaponization of the American Justice system. #freemilesguo #TakeDownTheCCP twitter.com/eclipsethis200…
More and more patriotic Americans are joining the #NFSC to fight the Chinses Communist Party (CCP) and its influence and presence in America. Want to know why? check out this video below. @jeremy_herrell twitter.com/drizzling123/s…
战友们来了! 围观精彩直播。习死皇,亮法宝,蛇鼠虫蚁往外跑,洋狗腿子上下跳。
Inspired by Chairman @RepGallagher, my family and I, as GTV investors, want to make the following statement. 👇👇👇 @NFSCSpeak twitter.com/committeeonccp…
Pressure from "the top," as the CCP expert admitted in the video below. If they can cancel Miles Guo & frame him for a crime he did not commit, what will they do to the elites, the rich, & the poor? When the CCP completes the takeover, where do God's people go? twitter.com/Bluestoneisher…
This is nothing. What the CCP did to their own people, they will do that 10 times worse when the CCP completes the takeover. Ethnic Genocide is CCP’s specialty. The good people who are awake need to flight back like no tomorrow. #FreeMilesGuo twitter.com/committeeonccp…
A CCP expert in international Relations says that politicians are commodities, and elites & Wall Street are pimps. People were idiots cheering for crimes in action. Miles Guo is a hero who sheds light on the darkness. #FreeMilesGuo, #TakeDownTheCCP Save America! twitter.com/RyanMattaMedia…
This just dawned on me: If Xi has compromised information on the person he is trying to negotiate with. Then it is not a negotiation; it is blackmailing out in the open. 😡 @committeeonccp twitter.com/S7gril/status/…
CCP enemy No. 1. Miles Guo is framed by the CCP’s assets in DOJ, SEC and FBI. If the Biden administration agrees to this deal, then the U.S.’s rule of law, will be replaced by the CCP’s rule by law, CCP’s law! twitter.com/S7gril/status/…