Fine never deters misconduct of these banks. It is just the cost of its normal operation by continuing serving the interests of kleptocrats, oligarchs, criminals and terrorists. SEC is helpless but complicit. The system is due for a fundamental change.
The CCP-controlled United Front (UF) organizations in Canada are organizing a rally to support a CCP-compromised Canadian Senator who opposes the new bill of foreign agency registry to combat CCP infiltration and meddling in Canada's affairs. Please expose the CCP, which has its… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
@sunshine02291 Miles Guo informed the public of the total number of CCP spies in 2017 (30,000 to 43,000).
As of June 2017, the CCP has this many spies here:
1. Before 2012: 10,000 - 20,000 sent over 50 yrs;
2. After 2012: An extra 5,000 sent from China + 15,000 - 18,000 developed within the… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
This morning, I sent the following tweet, but it no longer shows under my profile. Let's experiment the 2nd time.
@JoeBiden still thinking of thaw in frosty relationship with the CCP? “Silly balloon?” #TakeDownTheCCP #freemilesguo #FreeYvetteWang twitter.com/mrbcyber/statu…
Pressure from "the top," as the CCP expert admitted in the video below. If they can cancel Miles Guo & frame him for a crime he did not commit, what will they do to the elites, the rich, & the poor? When the CCP completes the takeover, where do God's people go? twitter.com/Bluestoneisher…
When I saw the Apr 10th Phoenix TV slandering hit-piece and the Apr 11th WSJ report by Sha Hua, I wondered when Friedman at MotherJones would jump on the wagon. The CCP really needs fresh recruits in its covert influence operations to stay covert. twitter.com/dfriedman33/st…
A report from the Chinese Communist Party to Joseph Stalin dated July 4th, 1949, started with:
Dear Comrade Stalin at the Central Committee of the Communist Party, we respectfully submit the following report to you. 1. Current Situation in China... #TakeDownTheCCP #FreeMilesGuo twitter.com/S7gril/status/…
These are the tactics deployed to achieve the CCP’s 3F agenda: FOMENT WEAKNESS, FOMENT CHAOS, and FOMENT Destruction of the U.S. @RepGallagher @committeeonccp twitter.com/committeeonccp…
Any leader who aims to improve their nation's relationship with Communist China is a self-interested scumbag whom the red demon will devour. 👿👿👿. Eliminating the CCP from China and freeing the Chinese people = saving the U.S. and the world. #Freemilesguo #FreeYvetteWang… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
The China anti-corruption czar stole the most from the Chinese people, so following the logic, the FBI, the law enforcement agency, commits most of the crime. This is what the “Community of common destiny for mankind” is by China Xi. @FinanceWolves #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Many governments push for late retirement or eliminate retirement age limits. This is not a sign of more freedom for the deplorable but an absolute failure of us, the people. We believed the lies and watched a few enrich themselves at the expense of our future. @RyanMattaMedia
This will get worse as the economy in China tanks. You will get the picture just by looking at how the CCP defines employment rate: working 1 hour per week is considered employed. Resigned individuals are excluded from the unemployment stats. Despite the extremely absurd way of… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Intel shared by Miles Guo 6 months ago online, is validated by the Pentagon leaked document. #freemilesguo because America needs him to win this war against the CCP. twitter.com/SFQuantumVideo…
Just did the show with @RyanMattaMedia on #LFATV talking about why Miles Guo’s bail was denied again. @roy_guo64 @dvs7_0 @FinanceWolves
The CCP kleptocrats, along with several investment banks, are behind the Pfizer vaccine. In March 2020, Miles Guo warned us on live streaming not to trust the covid-vaccine. In November, he explicitly told us not to take the Pfizer jab because it is toxic and revealed the real… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
How about the US government? #AIIB @BobPickard @Jim_Jordan @RepJamesComer @RepGallagher @RepSantosNY03 #ccpcrimeorgnization @RealAndyLeeShow twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
@jeremy_herrell Land of the free, home of the brave! twitter.com/drizzling123/s…
@mrbcyber While sharing information to educate the West audiences about the CCP's infiltration into the U.S., watch out for traps laid out by the CCP running dogs. This report has false information on Dan Friedman from Mother Jones. Dan Friedman is a CCP operative. Dan is… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
It starts getting amusing watching these SDNY attorneys making a fool of themselves. Lying once may be manageable. However, making up new lies to cover the previous ones without slipping is exceptionally challenging. They got caught by their own creativity! #FreeMilesGuo twitter.com/gatewaypundit/…
U.S. Sanctions Suppliers of Precursor Chemicals for Fentanyl Production
EP02 - Miles Guo Unrestricted Lawfare: Infiltration of the U.S. Justice System by the CCP 第二集:郭文贵 youtube.com/watch?v=1ec83II... #新中国联邦 #郭文贵 #爆料革命 #Freemilesguo #NFSC #郭文贵 #法律超限战 #Freemilesguo #释放郭文贵 #315事件 #1989年6月4日