underworld prince truther(@eimugisa)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

[ chapter 549 ] (1/2) sorry about the font i’m a novice at comicing #orv #yjh #biyuu
sorry for recycling i have an exam in 8 hours
what actually goes on behind the scenes
suddenly thinking about how everyone got so mad when they realized the world is a novel but Seolhwa was like ok but did i slay tho?
he’s mad (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))♡
kim dokja’s company: CEO
finally have enough kdj to do this twitter.com/Jomeimei421/st…
recycled from circles cus i decided it’s not that bad
um. um. um.
thanks for the 1863 followers!
someone: do i look pretty kdj : so on a scale of one to yoo joonghyuk ur basically-
“By the way ahjussi, you think Santa Claus is a Constellation, too?”
yeah never again😍
(3/3) impressing kim dokja (fail?)